2021-02-24 Chehalis River Basin FCZD Regular Meeting 351 NW North St Erik P. Martin, P.E., District Administrator Chehalis, WA 98532-1900 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District Regular Meeting Agenda Location: Lewis County Commissioners Hearing Room, 2nd floor of the Historic Courthouse, 351 NW North St., Chehalis WA 98532 Meeting Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 Meeting Time: 2:30 pm ______________________________________________________________________________ I. Call to Order II. Verification of a Quorum III. Introductions IV. Approval of minutes for January 27, 2021 V. Public Comment VI. Invoice Approvals (Grant 17-1373 Chehalis Basin Strategy Participation) Vendor Date Service Amount Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell January 2021 Governmental affairs svcs-Jan 18,085.00 LC Public Works January 2021 Staff time/Betsy Dillin 3,980.24 LC Administration January 2021 Staff time Martin/McRea 2,342.04 HDR Engineering January 2021 Eng Svcs for AMM 12.27-1.30.2021 43,150.89 HDR Engineering January 2021 Eng Svcs 12.27-1.30.2021 55,592.02 Kleinschmidt January 2021 Eng Svcs 12.26-1.29.21 1,699.00 TOTAL ALL EXPENSES: 124,849.19 (Grant 18-2599 Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan-Phase 2) Vendor Date Service Amount LC Public Works January 2021 Staff time for B. Dillin-CFHMP 236.92 Perteet Engineering January 2021 Eng Svcs 1.1-1.31.2021 5,623.56 TOTAL ALL EXPENSES: 5,860.48 351 NW North St Erik P. Martin, P.E., District Administrator Chehalis, WA 98532-1900 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Grant .09 Distressed Counties Funding) Vendor Date Service Amount Desmond & Louis, Inc January 2021 Public Education & Communication Program 6,000.00 Kleinschmidt January 2021 Stakeholder engagement strategy 12.26-1.29.2021 1,490.67 TOTAL ALL EXPENSES: 7,490.67 Grand Total of all expenses: $ 138,200.34 VII. Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan (CFHMP) update – Betsy Dillin VIII. Legislative outreach IX. Project update X. Announcements XI. Adjournment The Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District is providing the public access to their official meetings through alternative means (online and by phone). Please see below: ONLINE: https://zoom.us/j/91803895306?pwd=UHRlYWdBMUFNdGhYSlgyTjJWMG43UT09 BY PHONE: 888 475 4499 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 918 0389 5306 Passcode: 827263