2021-12-13 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up December 13, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Austin Majors, Eric Eisenberg, Lara McRea, Alison Puckett, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Doug Carey, Katie Conradi, Mindy Brooks, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill Guests: Eric Rosane, Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Office of Public Defense grant: Eric Eisenberg discussed a proposed $150,000 grant agreement with the state Office of Public Defense related to the Blake decision. Eric said he is asking that the county not be required to immediately appoint counsel, but rather to first respond with a letter explaining the 2022 agreement with Lewis County Seniors: Becky Butler said she has revised a proposed agreement for Lewis County’s financial contribution with the Lewis County Seniors group, adding funding to help with an audit. The commissioners said they support the change. Housing Summit: Erik Martin discussed a recent Housing Summit meeting. He discussed grants and other funding options to help with a housing study. Eric Eisenberg discussed efforts surrounding the housing study. He said he has been asked to conduct the study and formulate action / take action simultaneously. Erik and Eric said they’d like to plan check-ins with the commissioners. For The Record (FTR) recording system: Erik noted that there had been some struggles that resulted in a couple meetings and a bid opening not being recorded. He noted it appears it was operator error, not a system failure. Road vacation: Commissioner Pollock discussed an upcoming proposed road vacation. She said it could be problematic in the future because the multiple parcels currently are owned by one person, but she noted access could be in jeopardy if the parcels were sold to new, different owners. Eric Eisenberg noted that road vacations are discretionary. He said the commissioners could ask for provisions during the vacation process that would require the easements be in place. The commissioners said they’d like to address the specific Dryad property identified in proposed Resolution 21-433. Erik said he would reach out to Public Works to see if the easement / access issue can be addressed prior to the hearing. 2022 chair and vice chair for BOCC, Solid Waste Disposal District and the Board of Health: The commissioners said they would keep the board makeups unchanged. Announcements: Commissioner Pollock said she would apply for the County Roads Administration Board (CRAB) vacancy. Correspondence: Commissioner Swope discussed an email he received from Joe Dolezal regarding concerns about hospital access for emergency responders. He said he would schedule a time for Joe and other officials to talk with the mayors and hospital representatives. Calendars: The commissioners discussed their calendars. Meeting ended at 9:43 a.m.