2021-12-13 Quarterly Update with PFDQuarterly Update with PFD December 13, 2021 2:27 p.m. Present: Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Ron Averill, Dale Pullen, Austin Majors, County Manager Erik Martin Guest(s): Eric Rosane, Jared Wenzelburger, Sandra Wing Recorder: Tammy Martin Colonel Ron Averill said the mezzanine is complete. He also said the elevator has been installed and is operational. The Sports Hub is currently waiting for fire suppression to be installed. Colonel Averill said the Sports Hub has a new tenant named Par Force Sports that offers rooms that feature high definition courses for golf, shooting, and basketball. The city of Centralia gave a temporary permit for occupancy. Arny Davis provided details about the PFD financial report. He has recommended the PFD board protect its funds by having a reserve fund and a general fund. Arny noted the PFD has collected $66,613 in sales tax revenue generated in Centralia. Colonel Averill said there is a governing board for the PFD that is comprised of members from the City of Centralia, the PFD and the Centralia School District. Colonel Averill did say there is a possibility of concern for parking if all three groups held events at the same times. They have created a calendar to coordinate events. Dale Pullen said there were 90 basketball teams competing this last weekend. Dale said the building is booked through August of 2022. He is looking to add pickle ball to the schedule of events. The original goal for the Sports Hub was 500 people playing in tournaments for a weekend. They now average 1,000- 1,350 athletes. Dale said the feasibility report says the average player at the tournament spends approximately $157 shopping. $11,400 TPA fees will be reimbursed from lost revenue due to Washington State utilizing the Lakeside Motel for a COVID quarantine area. Colonel Averill said the Sports Hub will receive funding from LTAC that will be utilized for equipment within the Twin Cities Sports Commission. Meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.