2021-12-20 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update December 20, 2021 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Semere Huckleberry, Josh Metcalf, Chris Panush, Austin Majors, Tiffinie Morgan, Katie Conradi, Meja Handlen Guests: Nic Scott, Eric Rosane Recorder: Rieva Lester Housing County Manager Erik Martin discussed work Eric Eisenberg and others have done – and will do – in relation to housing. 911 Director recruitment: Erik said he has met with Prothman to move forward with the recruiting process regarding the 911 director vacancy. Erik said the application period likely would close in early to mid- February. Public Works / DEM update Fleet discussion regarding new vehicle purchases: Josh said purchase orders and bids, specifically the Sheriff’s Office Chargers. He said the local dealership reached out regarding a letter it received from the Dodge manufacturer that indicated all 2022 orders had to be placed quickly. He noted that the county’s orders for 2021 Dodge vehicles still have not been received or even built. He said Dodge has raised its prices and also will no longer offer fleet discounts. Josh said the local Ford dealership has offered a below-state cost deal on Ford Explorers. Josh said the cost between Dodge and Ford is a wash, so he canceled the Dodge orders and placed orders with Ford orders instead. Josh said the totals still fall below the amount budgeted for the vehicles. Josh noted that the new vehicles will be gas-fired instead of hybrids. Josh said the county shop is working toward its Ford certification, which will allow the county to do warranty work and get reimbursed for its work. 2021 accomplishments: Josh said the county performed 116 miles of chip-seal work in 2020, a slight decrease from the 121 miles of chip-seal work performed the previous year. He said that due to an oil shortage, the county was unable to perform some city chip seal work and had to cut county work short by roughly five miles. Josh discussed culvert replacement projects, guardrail projects and other road work Public Works completed in 2021. Internal Services Steve Wohld said the Facilities team is preparing for upcoming snow. Personnel Public Health Social Services personnel authorization form (PAF): Erik said the director would like to move the position from a 118-1 to a 118-3. Public Works PAF: Erik said the director would like to increase the position from a step 3 to a step 4. The commissioners said they would approve the two PAFs effective Dec. 16. Support tech position update: The group discussed the need to have a written agreement that details the work to be performed with the new position being created in partnership with the PA’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office. Erik said he would work with Commissioner Pollock on the details and bring the matter before the board. COVID-19 Commissioner Swope said he understands that the Lakeview facility will close by the end of the year. Erik noted that the state paid lodging tax funds to the city and PFD funds to the PFD for the Lakeview site. Announcements Becky Butler said Commerce will review its broadband applications Jan. 6. Meeting adjourned at 11:53 a.m.