2021-12-22 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update December 22, 2021 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Steve Wohld, Chris Panush, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, Austin Majors, Semere Huckleberry, John Abplanalp, Meja Handlen, Connie Riker, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Mindy Brooks, Tom Stanton, Tiffanie Morgan, Commissioner Swope (9:11 a.m.), Sara Hensley Guests: Nic Scott, Eric Rosane Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to ratify a consultant agreement with Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc. for On-Call Annual Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Geomorphic services in Lewis County. John Abplanalp discussed a resolution to reappoint four full-time members to the Lewis County Dangerous Animal Designation (DAD) Board. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve Amendment A between Lewis County and the Department of Commerce (DOC) to add funds to the Emergency Rent Assistance Program 2.0 (ERAP 2.0) in the amount of $2,773,782. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve Amendment A between Lewis County and the Department of Commerce to provide Treasury Rent Assistance Program funds through the Housing Assistance Unit. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to approve a mileage rate change for Lewis County. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to reappoint Bill Cavinder to the Civil Service Commission. Commissioner Grose made a motion to move two consent items and six deliberation items to the Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2021, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. COVID-19 John Abplanalp said Lewis County reported 10 new deaths for the newest reporting week, Dec. 12-18. He said the testing site at the mall served 300 individuals the week of Dec. 13 and served 100 individuals on Dec. 21 alone. Erik Martin said the state’s Lakeside quarantine and isolation site in Centralia will close Dec. 31. Announcements Josh Metcalf warned of a cold front moving in. He said snow is likely for Christmas and that temperatures will dip into the teens the following week. Chris Panush presented an inclement weather policy with the following two options: • Option 1: “In the event of BOCC declared inclement weather or emergency closures prior to the normal report to work time, non-exempt non-essential employees who are unable to report to work should notify their supervisor before the start of their scheduled shift and may use vacation or compensatory time during this period. If they are unable to use compensable time, they will be placed in a leave without pay status.” • Option 2: “If a full-day closure is announced in advance of the work day, employees not in a leave status will be paid for their entire scheduled work day and will not be required to use leave. This closure will not count as time worked for purposes of overtime calculation for the week.” Commissioner Swope made a motion to amend the agenda to add the inclement weather policy. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Rieva Lester amended the agenda to include the topic. The commissioners discussed the two options. Commissioner Grose made a motion to adopt the Inclement Weather Policy, Option 2. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meja said The Salvation Army has helped 380 households so far in 2021, providing more than $1 million in rental assistance and more than $100,000 in utility assistance. Connie Riker said she is working with the state to complete the transfer of the state’s Packwood property to the county. She said she also is helping Claquato church secure a historic preservation grant. Becky Butler urged offices and departments to alert her immediately of any 2021 budget emergencies. Commissioner Swope joined at 9:11 a.m. Wednesday Workshop Proclamations: The commissioners deliberated the usefulness of proclamations. Commissioner Grose made a motion to have no proclamations in 2022. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Senior center agreements: Becky Butler said she would work with Rieva Lester to schedule a future meeting. Calendars The commissioners discussed their calendars for the following week. They opted to cancel the Seniors and Budget updates for the following week and to hold the Solid Waste Disposal District meeting as part of the Dec. 27 Wrap-Up meeting. Meeting ended at 9:46 a.m.