2021-11-01 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up November 1, 2021 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Megan Eastman, Austin Majors, Matt Patana, Alison Puckett, Grace Jimenez, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Tammy Martin, Wes Rethwill, Tiffanie Morgan, Josh Metcalf, JP Anderson Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Review of recently passed legislation – response to WSAC and House Local Government Committee: Becky Butler said the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) is requesting feedback regarding legislation passed during the last legislative session. She said the Coroner’s Office has said there is no impact to his office from HB 1326. She said she has reached out to Lee Napier and Eric Eisenberg regarding HB 1220, SB 5235 and SB 5368. Becky said she wants to respond to WSAC regarding HB 1069, which deals with fiscal flexibility. She summarized highlights of the legislation as follows: • Criminal Justice Sales Tax: Through Dec. 31, 2023, the criminal justice purposes for which revenue from the criminal justice sales tax may be used include programs with a reasonable relationship to reducing interactions with the criminal justice system, including by reducing homelessness or improving behavioral health. • Criminal Justice Assistance Accounts: Through Dec. 21, 2023, revenue from the criminal justice assistance accounts may be used to supplant existing funding. • Lodging Tax: Sales of lodging of less than one month are presumed not to be a rental or lease and are not subject to sales and use tax. • Real Estate Excise Tax: Through Dec. 21, 2023, counties imposing the first 0.0025 percent of the real estate tax may use the greater of $100,000 or 35 percent of revenue received for the maintenance of capital projects, and counties imposing the additional 0.0025 percent of the real estate tax may similarly use the greater of $100,000 or 35 percent of that revenue for the operation and maintenance of capital projects. • Property Tax Levies: In King County, revenues from levies approved in 2015-2022 may be used to supplant existing revenue. Commissioner District 3 vacancy: The commissioners reviewed questions for the upcoming interview process. Fire District 4 vacancy: The commissioners reviewed questions for the upcoming interview process. WSAC dues: Becky said the WSAC dues will include funding related to the Blake decision. Becky said Jonathan Meyer has reviewed the charges and does not find them to be a duplication of charges. Budget decision packet: Becky said she would provide budget decision packets later in the day. Benefit rates: Megan Eastman said open enrollment for benefits started earlier in the day and runs through Nov. 30. Megan asked if the commissioners had any Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve minute folders for the weeks of: • October 4 • October 11 • October 18 Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Meeting ended at 9:16 a.m.