2021-11-01 Update with EDCUpdate with EDC November 1, 2021 1:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Austin Majors, Richard DeBolt, Todd Chaput Guests: Kyle Heaton, Linda Williams Recorder: Tammy Martin EDC update Legislative update: Richard DeBolt said the Economic Alliance is looking forward to the Legislative Roundtable. They have been invited to testify to the Legislature on behalf of the energy coalition and the ARPA mapping strategy. ARPA Update: Todd Chaput said the Economic Alliance is still reaching out to smaller stakeholders to finish up mapping. They are still waiting to hear back from the LCPUD and PSE. Todd said the mapping will never be 100% complete due to the ever-evolving changes. Todd says he has been prepping for the Legislative Roundtable and they are designing a lobby effort. EDC Reporting: Richard said they are in process of updating the webpage and the Economic Alliance will be touring industrial sites within Lewis County ports. They will be having an annual meeting. Richard said they are looking at water issues and met with the governor’s task force looking at upcoming pilot programs. Richard said his goal is for finishing out the end of the year and looking into a Retro Program. This would be an insurance program for the employers of over 50 people to become self-insured. Richard said the state qualifies businesses differently if there is a group of employers applying for the benefits. He is also in process of setting next year’s budget and applying for grant programs. Economic Development: Richard said there are 4 potential investors for light manufacturing looking at the Port and he is hoping to announce a MOU for a large manufacturing company soon. Distressed Counties: Richard said that .09 Distressed Counties funding may not be a thing of the future. Lewis County’s unemployment rates are going down and there is a potential bill to eliminate Distressed Counties at the Senate level. Meeting ended 1:47 p.m.