2021-11-23 Informational Budget MeetingInformational Budget Meeting (special meeting) November 23, 2021 5:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Meja Handlen, Tim Fife, Tammy Martin, Chris Panush (5:39 p.m.), Connie Riker Citizens Budget Committee members: Nancy Keaton, Frank Corbin, Harry O. Bhagwandin Guests: Ron Averill, Peter Lahmann, Nic Scott, Eric Rosane, Chelle Wilder, Cathy Kane Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Services Manager Becky Butler provided an overview of the 2022 budget. She provided the following budget outlook / recap: • The commissioners have chosen not to increase the county’s levy by up to 1 percent, as allowed by RCW. She said the county has opted to instead bank its capacity. • The Assessor estimates countywide new construction collection for 2022 to be $354 million, up from the $242 million collected in 2021. • Lewis County’s Median home value in was $299,090 in the second quarter 2021, and home prices rose by 14.5 percent within a year. • Sales tax revenue is 31 percent above 2020 figures for taxes collected through August. • Lewis County’s unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 16.3 percent in 2020 to 4.3 percent in September 2021. • The county is investing in long-term infrastructure improvements including water, sewer, broadband, water banks and roads to promote future economic development. Becky provided the following overview of the budget timeline: • May: Provide outlook, analysis and projections. • June: Set budget limitations and internal service rates. • August: Distribute call letter and budget worksheets. • September: Offices and departments submit preliminary requests. • October: Present preliminary budget to BOCC and meeting with offices and departments. • November: Make final review of changes and increase requests as well as finalize tax levy calculations. • December: Adopt final budget and set tax levies. Becky reviewed fund types, including: • The general fund • Special revenue • Debt service • Capital • Enterprise • Internal services Becky reviewed expenditure types, such as: • Debt services • Intergovernmental • Salaries • Professional services • Interfunds • Benefits • Supplies • Capital Becky and County Manager Erik Martin discussed the community-based Strategic Plan and outlined efforts already completed since its inception. Becky reviewed COVID-19 Coronavirus Relief Funds and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf reviewed Lewis County’s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). He said the TIP is designed to Develop Lewis County’s future transportation improvement programs and projects and to provide a comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. Josh said several factors and criteria are considered when considering and creating projects: • Functional classification • High-accident location • Area Supervisor comments / maintenance effort • Public comment / concern • Development potential • Accident history • Constructability and permits • Pavement Rating System • Maintenance offset • Traffic counts • Supplemental funding Josh said 2021 projects included: • Stowell Road Bridge Scour • Cousins Road Culvert Replacement • Jackson Hwy S Culvert Replacement • Lincoln Creek Road Culvert Replacement • Townsend Road Bridge Replacement • 2019 County Safety Program – Phase I • 2019 County Safety Program – Phase II • Shorey Road Interim Bank Protection • Newaukum Valley Road Bank Protection Josh reviewed projects on the upcoming TIP. The group discussed county paving crews and complemented the work the crews do. Meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.