2021-11-24 Energy Coalition updateEnergy Coalition update November 24, 2021 1:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Todd Chaput, Kelly Johnston-Smith, Richard DeBolt, Andrea Culletto, Joe Clark Guest: None Recorder: Tammy Martin Richard DeBolt said the idea behind the energy coalition is how to transition power for Lewis County. The goal is a greener, cleaner source of power while providing quality technology-based jobs in effort to becoming energy independent. Joe Clark said that through grants and capital transitions, Lewis County has an opportunity to develop a hydrogen fueling station. The need is a long-term electrolyzer that produces energy for more than the hydrogen fueling station. This would be able to generate power for later use. Joe said they would like to create a center to encourage people to learn and develop hydrogen supplies. Joe would like to see Lewis County as a hydrogen valley. Richard says this is a long-term vision. Commissioner Pollock was concerned about consumptive use and junior water rights holders. Richard said other water sources can be used or reused from other sources. Joe said the idea would be to re-purpose water that is currently treated by waste-water utilities. Commissioner Grose made a motion to provide a letter of support for the Energy Coalition Project. Commissioner Swope seconded. Passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 2:24 p.m.