2022-01-12 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update January 12, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Matt Jaeger, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Connie Riker, Steve Wohld, Chris Panush, Graham Gowing, Sherri Dokken, Lara McRea, Meja Handlen, Katie Conradi, Tammy Martin, Mindy Brooks, Laura Coppock, Arny Davis, Semere Huckleberry, Austin Majors, Doug Carey, John Abplanalp, Commissioner Swope Guests: Nic Scott, Eric Rosane Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to authorize a cash-flow loan from Current Expense Fund No. 0010 to Cowlitz River Basin Subzone Fund 1260. Arny Davis discussed a resolution to for the cancellation of Delinquent Personal Property & Mineral Rights Taxes from the Tax Collection System. Erika Katt discussed a resolution to accept an agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Military Department for the 2021 - 22 Emergency Management Performance Grant, American Rescue Plan Act (EMPG-ARPA) and authorizing signatures thereon. Erika Katt discussed a resolution approving Erika Katt, DEM Planner, as the Lewis County Community Emergency Coordinator and William Teitzel as the Alternate Community Emergency Coordinator for 2022 - 2024 for hazardous material incidents. Commissioner Grose made a motion to move four consent items and two deliberation items to the Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Announcements Matt Jaeger and Steve Wohld discussed a recent accident in which a fiber optic line was severed. Lee Napier said the county has received only three applications for the open Planning Commission vacancies. She said the county has three vacancies: District 1, District 3 and an at-large position. The commissioners said they would like to extend the deadline and re-advertise the vacancies. Lee said the PA’s Office will review upcoming quasi-judicial cases. Chris Panush said the county is reviewing new CDC guidance regarding individuals who have already had COVID-19 and are then exposed to a COVID-19-positive individual. Josh Metcalf discussed flood assessment efforts taking place. Josh discussed work with LeMay to address transport issues Solid Waste has had in response to the recent flood. Josh said a transformer blew overnight, knocking out the power to Kresky. Becky Butler reminded the group of year-end deadlines and reminded the group to track costs associated to the flood and snow emergencies in preparation for the declaration of a federal disaster. Connie Riker praised Parks and Rec staff members’ efforts in response to the flood event. Doug Carey provided an update on Capital projects. Tammy Martin said the internet outage affected her ability to send Board of Equalization (BOE) appeal forms to interested taxpayers before the Jan. 11 deadline. Commissioner Swope joined sometime around 9:30 a.m. COVID-19 John Abplanalp provided the following data updates for the most recent COVID-19 reporting week of Jan. 2-8: • 751 new cases • 27 new hospitalizations • No new deaths John noted that at-home tests are available but are hard to come by. He also noted that as more people take at-home tests, the county’s counts will be less accurate because the positive at-home tests wouldn’t be included. Wednesday Workshop Wrap-up of Jan. 10 closed-session meeting (RCW 42.30.140[4]): Steve Wohld provided the following recap: The BOCC authorized its agents, including HR and Steve Wohld, to begin bargaining and negotiating with various county labor groups as discussed during the Jan. 10 meeting. The BOCC indicated a preference to include Cost of Living Adjustments and Insurance rates as part of the negotiation. The BOCC set a cap on the negotiation authority and was interested in negotiating a deal through 2025. Arny said the Treasurer’s Office is completing work on billing. Commissioner Swope invited the group to a citywide clean-up effort planned for Jan. 15 in Centralia. Commissioner Swope and Becky Butler praised Tammy Martin for her efforts regarding lodging tax billings and BOE appeals. Josh discussed the process by which flooded residents are able to dispose of waste. Meeting adjourned at 9:42 a.m.