2022-01-11 Budget Update BB Budget Meeting 2:00 P .M. TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 2022 Attendance: In person: Commissioners Pollock, Grose and Swope, Erik Martin and Becky Butler On zoom: Semere Huckleberry and Austin Majors 1. Zoom guidelines 2. Introductions Budget Update The Auditor will continue to post invoices for 2021 until the end of February. All revenue is posted as an accrual until the end of February when they are reconciled. Preliminary estimates for year-end will be ready mid-February or early March. Many revenues like sales and use tax have a two month lag. Becky noted they are working on all year-end transfers including the $850,000 for Technology. ARPA – updated guidelines The Final Rule was released by Treasury and went from 151 pages to 437 pages. The significant changes include the lost revenue calculation; options are on page 9 of the overview with allowable uses on page 11. The Final Rule takes effect 4/1/2022, however Treasury will not enforce interim rule guidance. The Final Rule broadens the use for Water/Sewer/Broadband – details on page 37 of the overview. The Prosecutor’s staff is reviewing the details for water rights and housing uses. Commissioner Swope asked what the process would be for allocating funds towards specific projects and what the process is to obligate the funds. Becky and Erik indicated the BOCC has allocated the funds on a high level but could adopt a Resolution stating the use of funds and allocating the funds towards more specific areas. Commissioner Pollock asked for a follow up with EDC regarding the large projects they have identified for funding in this session. Becky indicated we should receive notification on WSBO grant funding no later than today. The POLCO survey data was completed. Austin is working with the Chronicle on the PDR request and he will provide an overview at Wednesday’s ARPA meeting. Becky mentioned the county Munis team is working on the HR module in the ERP system and Nate in IT is the PM. The project kicked off last week and will be completed in 2022.