2022-01-19 Finance Committee AuditorTreasurer UpdateFinance Committee/Auditor/Treasurer Update January 19, 2022 10:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Austin Majors, Grace Jimenez, Rodney Reynolds, Arny Davis, Katie Conradi, Becky Butler Guest(s): Jeff Johnson Recorder: Tammy Martin Rodney Reynolds said the county has approximately $24 million more invested than versus last year’s investments for the month of December 2021. The fund balance is fairly strong. Revenue numbers are still preliminary at this point. Rodney said the municipal bonds are diversified for maturity dates. This allows for access to have access to funds if needed. Arny Davis said there will be a Lewis County Investment Pool as soon as the SAO audit letter issues have been fully addressed. This will reduce the LGIP and Money Market Savings accounts. The benefits of a Lewis County Investment pool will be earning a higher yield and offsetting administrative costs. Commissioner Pollock said it is important all the special purpose districts understand the fees associated with the change of investing in the pool. Rodney Reynolds said the preliminary collected revenue numbers for 2021 is at 98.1% and shows the Auditor’s office over in collections due to the increase of licensing fees. Once all journal entries are in place, they will have accurate numbers. Grace Jimenez said at this time, there aren’t any departments over budget. There is a retro payment pending from the Sheriff’s Office due to a CDA agreement payable from 2021 budget. The budget period of 2021 will be open for 60 days to get accurate reconciliation. They are processing on W2s and those will be distributed at the end of January 2022. Larry Grove said there will be a special election February 8, 2022. Drop boxes will be open for those special purpose districts. Licensing and recording are experiencing staffing shortages and have modified hours to accommodate. Larry has requested step increases for 3 people in his office and has asked the Commissioners’ Office to review. Meeting ended at 11:12 a.m.