2022-01-24 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update January 24, 2022 11:12 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Lee Napier, JP Anderson, Austin Majors, Graham Gowing, Josh Metcalf, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Michelle Sauter, Semere Huckleberry, Sherri Dokken, Tiffanie Morgan, Grace Jimenez Guests: Eric Rosane, Nic Scott, Bill Serrahn Recorder: Rieva Lester Personnel Auditor PAFs: The commissioners said they would sign the PAFs. 911 Erik Martin said work to fill the 911 vacancy is taking place and that the first review of applicants will take place Feb. 20. Erik discussed the need to create a committee for the strategic planning. He said DELTAWRX has suggested a panel of 12-13, including a representative from one of each of the following: • Lewis County Sheriff’s Office • Commissioners’ Office • County staff • Chehalis City Council • Centralia City Council • City of Chehalis staff • City of Centralia staff • Riverside Fire Authority • One fire district from the east side • One fire district from the west side • One law enforcement representative from a small city on the east side • One law enforcement representative from a small city on the west side • One from the fire commissioners The commissioners discussed who would represent the BOCC. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to have Commissioner Grose represent the BOCC on the committee. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 2-0-1, with Commissioner Pollock and Commissioner Grose voting in favor and Commissioner Swope abstaining. Public Works / DEM update Flood: Josh Metcalf said demo work continues. He said housing arrangements have been made for families displaced by the flood. Josh said Road shop break-in: Erik said someone broke into a county shop and stole a county truck. He said the truck was found in Tacoma with minor damages. Centralia Alpha Road project: Erik said permit work will begin in the summer and that construction work will take place in 2023. Carr Road project: Josh discussed slide concerns regarding Carr Road. He said concerns regarding Big Hanaford also are being addressed. Communications Erik said Austin Majors has interviewed flood victims. Erik said Austin also has drafted a communications plan. Community Development Permit report format: Lee Napier reviewed new graphs and charts her department has created to share with the Planning Commission. She noted that the group is thinking about sharing the information on Open Gov. The commissioners approved the use of the new charts. Planning Commission application process: Lee said the Planning Commission has three vacancies. She said the county has received six applications so far. Lee asked how the board would like to proceed. The commissioners asked Community Development to give the first screening and provide feedback. Lee said she planned to invite the interested individuals to attend a Planning Commission training planned for Jan. 25. The commissioners said they would revisit the topic Jan. 31. Public Health & Social Services update Environmental Services position opening: JP Anderson said Bill Teitzel will be leaving Feb. 11. He said Health will be filling two vacancies: one for code enforcement manager and another for Environmental Health Manager. Animal Shelter veterinarian position: JP said Health did not receive any responses to its recent request for shelter services. JP said he is working with the PA’s Office to draft a more extensive RFP. Internal Services update PAFs: Steve Wohld said he would like to negotiate with a potential successor for Matt Patana. Parks position: Steve said he also is requesting permission to create a Parks and Rec Maintenance Tech Sr. position. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the creation of the Parks and Rec Maintenance Tech Sr. position using 1069 funds through 2023. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Rodeo production discussion and update: Steve said he would like authority to move forward with Plus 1 Productions for the 2022 Fair. He said the bid is for $43,550 plus $7,500 for add-on Digital Video Board with professional support / camera crew. He clarified that the contract would go before the commissioners via resolution. Playground selection update: Steve said the total for the “three big park changes,” including installation, is $250,000. Steve said the price includes some of the site prep. The commissioners approved having Steve move forward with the playground contract(s). Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.