2022-02-15 Update with WSU - WeedWSU / Weed Update February 15, 2022 11:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Patrick Shults, Charles Edmonson, Melissa Davis, Amanda Musser Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Patrick Shults said the WSU extension office has resumed mostly to in-person meetings. They have a large amount of recruits for the hybrid version of Master Gardener training. Melissa Davis provided Snap-Ed program updates. Melissa said a grant was awarded in the amount of $6000 to local food banks and food pantries to partner with local farmers to donate to those pantries. The goal of the grant award is to work with new and struggling farms by paying for produce to support local area food banks or pantries. She also said Cook Washington is a meal kit for food bank clients and they are partnering with over 50 food banks within Washington State. Amanda Musser said last year there were four farmers markets within Lewis County. Amanda partnered with the Farmers Markets to demonstrate how to grow your own produce as well as distribute seed starting kits to local area schools. Charles Edmonson said there was knotweed eradication in the fall. Charles said monitoring of Mineral Lake will resume. They will also be focusing on treatment of Plummer Lake to treat elodea. Charles is creating the Good Neighbor program draft to be presented to the weed board and is looking at the 2022 weed list updates. These would include weeds for Lewis County to focus on eliminating. Meeting ended at 11:45 a.m.