2022-02-14 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update February 14, 2022 11:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Austin Majors, Lee Napier, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Semere Huckleberry, Meja Handlen, Alison Puckett, Tiffanie Morgan Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Follow-up from Feb. 14 closed-session labor discussion Steve Wohld said the board authorized him to continue negotiations with two collective bargaining agreements up to the amounts discussed during the closed-session labor discussion. 911 Communications Strategic Planning Workshop recap: Erik Martin discussed a Feb. 11 meeting during which the group discussed the future of 911. He noted that the focus was the mission of 911, though some attendees wanted to revamp the governance of the group. He said the group is finalizing its mission statement. Erik said that past BOCC members have been agreeable to hearing proposed suggestions regarding governance. The commissioners said they too are in support of re-examining the governance of 911. Department of Commerce grant: Erik said there is a funding shortfall of about $10,000 for a radio site project. Commissioner Grose made a motion to authorize the use of the $10,000 from the 911 fund for the project. Commissioner Swope seconded. Commissioner Pollock suggested an outreach effort regarding the funding. Erik said he would reach out to the Combined User Committee Budgetary chair prior to using the funds. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Grose noted that the county historically has borne the majority of infrastructure costs. Public Works / DEM 1618 Little Hanaford Road: Erik discussed a letter from the Yocums regarding a road washout. He said he does not believe the county is responsible for their driveway washouts. Erik said he would ask Josh Metcalf or Tim Fife to follow up with the Yocums. No-spray agreements: Erik discussed the process by which individuals can enter into no-spray agreements, which include signs as well as administration of the program. He asked who the commissioners believe should be responsible for the costs associated with the program. Commissioner Grose said the costs are too high. He said the costs should be borne by the county roads department. Commissioner Pollock discussed the management of vegetation in no-spray zones. Commissioner Grose said he is against any form of weed spraying. The commissioners discussed doing away with spraying altogether and instead only mow. Erik clarified that the spraying takes place only on the right of way, not on the property owners’ properties. Erik said he will invite Public Works to explain the mowing and spraying processes. Erik noted that some counties, including Thurston County, have eliminated spraying. He noted that Thurston County has struggled to keep up with mowing needs. Personnel 911 director personnel authorization form (PAF): Erik said he would like to move the position from an administrator position (131) to a director position (133). Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve changing the 911 position to a director position at 133. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Internal Services Cleaning service for Law and Justice building: Steve Wohld said the county is using the Mrs. Clean cleaning service for additional COVID-19 cleaning at the Law and Justice building. The commissioners said they support doing away with the additional cleaning once the mask mandate is lifted. Commissioner Pollock asked if the county will be able to also do away with off-site courtrooms once the mask mandate is lifted statewide. Steve said he would reach out to Susie Palmateer about the future of the off-site courtrooms. The commissioners said they’d like to further discuss the matter during the Feb. 16 ESC meeting. Announcements Erik discussed Neil Hoium and John Panco, the retired police officers who serve as armed security guards for the courts and provide response at the historic courthouse. Erik said the Sheriff has indicated he does not want to provide the limited commission that allows Neil and John to carry firearms. Erik said the judges have indicated that the courts can provide a similar order that would allow Neil and John to continue their work as armed security at the courts. He noted that Neil and John would still be available to help in the historic courthouse but would be much more limited in their scope of action. The commissioners said they’d like to further discuss the matter during the Feb. 15 PA’s Update. Meeting ended at 11:52 a.m.