2022-02-14 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up February 14, 2022 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Lee Napier, Austin Majors, Chris Panush, Alison Puckett, Connie Riker, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Mindy Brooks, Semere Huckelberry, Wes Rethwill, Tiffanie Morgan, Tammy Martin Guest: Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Feb. 21 Fire Commissioners Association meeting: Commissioner Swope said he would attend. Goals for 2022: The commissioners discussed their goals for 2022. Commissioner Swope said his focuses would be economic development in District 1 and public safety countywide. Commissioner Pollock said her focuses would be public safety and the distribution of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Commissioner Grose said his focuses would be public safety and the 911 center. Legislative update: Commissioner Pollock said bills to watch include HB 1799 regarding organic debris and 1856, which expands voluntary stewardship. The commissioners discussed a proposed hydrogen bill. Commissioner Pollock said the language has not yet been changed to have the state subsidize it rather than have it subsidized by local taxpayers. Commissioner Swope said he wants to make sure that the voice on the Legislative Steering Committee represents the entire board and that the commissioners stand in support of the local legislators. Commissioner Grose echoed the need for a unified voice. Boards and committees: Commissioner Grose said he would like to serve on the .09 committee. Commissioner Swope voiced support. Commissioner Pollock said she would swap the EDC executive board for the .09 committee to split the funding and executive branches. Commissioner Grose said he would prefer to serve on both. Commissioner Swope made a motion to appoint Commissioner Grose to the .09 committee. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. .09 population thresholds: Commissioner Grose made a motion to change the .09 threshold to a population threshold of 3,000. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Calendars: Commissioner Swope said he may be out of office the rest of the week but will attend meetings virtually. Correspondence: Commissioner Grose discussed correspondence he has received regarding no-spray agreements, for which the county charges a $300 application fee. Approval of minutes: The commissioners approved minutes for the week of Jan. 24, 2022. Meeting ended at 9:38 a.m.