2022-02-23 ARPA UpdateAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) planning February 23, 2022 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, Lindsey Shankle, Richard DeBolt, Todd Chaput, Becky Butler, Austin Majors, Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Grace Jimenez Guest(s): Zora DeGrandpre, members from the Chronicle, Nic Scott, Kyle Heaton Recorder: Tammy Martin Todd Chaput said that once the Legislative session has wrapped up, there will be a final meeting with stakeholders to discuss the steps to move forward to implement city, county and state projects. Todd said the Economic Alliance is waiting for final HDR mapping data. Lindsey Shankle has been recruiting volunteers representing 8 school districts for the ‘keep connected program”, which is designed to address the local youth mental health crisis. The train-the-trainer program will be virtual. Lindsey said she is part of a resilience group on how to partner with those areas in need. Josh Metcalf said his team has compiled all the water/sewer infrastructure data for the spreadsheet and will have a comprehensive list of project information. This data will include a projected costs and timelines for each project split by projects ready to start and future projects. Becky Butler said any additional funding for courts will have to come from the general funds because of a previous allocation of funding. Commissioner Pollock said that requirements may change based on masking guidelines issued by the Governor. Becky has asked for future allocations based on restrictions within the guidelines of ARPA. There is $10 million set aside for lost revenue. The remainder of the funds are the funds in question to be allocated. Becky said there was discussion about waste and sewer infrastructure projects including water banks, public health response RFP’s, and consolidated contracts for public health services, tourism support, internal technology and cyber security. Commissioner Pollock said radio infrastructure is an important topic for her. Becky suggested compiling projects and asking the Board how they would rate for allocation. Commissioner Swope seconded Commissioner Pollock’s radio infrastructure suggestion. Commissioner Swope said the Reynolds Road project would be one of his suggestions for ARPA allocation. Josh said Legislature decisions can impact future Public Works decisions and that he would like to see the outcome of those decisions before allocations are made on behalf of Public Works. Commissioner Grose says bridge infrastructure concerns him. Becky said the next meeting will be focusing on future allocations and Lewis County is able to apply for the second half of funding from ARPA in May. Meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.