2022-03-16 ESC Directors UpdateESC /Directors’ Update March 16, 2022 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Scott Tinney, Doug Carey, Lee Napier, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Matt Jaeger, Alison Puckett, Katie Conradi, Shad Hail, Sherri Dokken, John Clark, Wes Rethwill, Lara McRea, Larry Grove, Casey Mauermann, Brittni Rogers, Connie Riker, Austin Majors, Arny Davis, Dianne Dorey, Heidi Palmer Guests: Pat Saldana, Nic Scott Recorder: Tammy Martin ESC OpenGov update: Becky said OpenGov is close to going live. This will make budgets and reporting available. Chris Panush said there has been a group examining the current process for submitting Personnel Authorization Forms (PAF). Chris said they are transitioning the process to using MUNIS. Undersheriff Wes Rethwill said there are four bills the Sheriff’s Office has been monitoring. They include less lethal firearms, use of force, engagement in pursuit, and repealing sentence enhancements. The Sheriff’s Office is waiting for determination on all public safety bills from Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC). Commissioner Pollock said legislative information from WSAC will be available Friday. Lee Napier said there will be changes to the comp plan. Lee said Bill 5042 changes the effective dates for appeals, SEPA exemptions, and the future allocation of funds to help with amendments. COVID-19 Chris Panush noted that the statewide mask mandate ended March 11. The COVID-19 decision tree still applies according to Labor & Industries. Erik Martin provided the following data for the reporting week of March 4 – March 10: • 39 new cases • 5 new hospitalizations • 8 new deaths Directors Update Becky Butler asked to postpone the Lewis County budget amendment one week due to creating additional departments within the budget. Matt Jaeger discussed the renewal of an enterprise agreement with Insight. Matt Jaeger discussed allowing the director of IT Services to execute a purchase order with Dell. Chris Panush discussed the ending of the mask mandate. He said this resolution will rescind the mask mandate and authorize the County Manager to make that decision. Tammy Martin discussed a resolution to authorize the East Lewis County Public Development Authority (ELCPDA) to change the use of the building per the contract requirements and allowing them to sublease a building to Longmire Springs Brewing LLC. Tammy Martin discussed the vacancy on the Lewis County Salary Commission and that Ted McCarson has expressed a willingness to serve. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move two consent items and five deliberation items to the Tuesday, March 22, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable: Steve Wohld is looking to bring forward a proposal to have an outside entity to take control of Discover Lewis County (DLC). Josh Metcalf said equipment purchases and oil costs are being revised due to inflation. At this time due to current prices, 20 miles of chip-seal will have to be taken off the chip-seal project list. Lost mileage in the chip-seal program delays maintenance to the roadways and foregoing maintenance creates more work in the long-term. Josh said there has been stress due to service contracts not being filled. This creates mandatory overtime. Parts for the mowers have become difficult to find. There are two spring projects out for bid and more to come. Commissioner Swope said he would be willing to consider using ARPA funds to complete the 20 miles of chip-seal being shorted. Becky Butler said the Auditor’s Office is continuing to wrap-up 2021 accruals. John Clark said shields and protective devices from the Covid barriers will be removed on a request basis. John said there will be LED lighting conversion taking place. Matt Jaeger said there has been large increases in technology costs that will impact the budget. Connie Riker said there will be camping opportunities at the fairgrounds for campers during the Summer Fest celebrations in July. Connie said the fair is looking to have a car show, a derby and a fireworks display during Summer Fest. Commissioner Swope was concerned about completing the fish passage barriers. Josh said some fish passage barrier removals are partially funded and some are fully funded by state funds. There may be adjustments funded by the County if costs come in higher than originally budgeted. Meeting adjourned at 9:46 a.m.