2022-03-21 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up March 21, 2022 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Chris Panush, Becky Butler, JP Anderson, Josh Metcalf, Austin Majors, Alison Puckett, Doug Carey, Eric Eisenberg, Heidi Palmer, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Tom Stanton, Tiffanie Morgan Guests: Bill Serrahn, Mara (last name unknown) Coralee Taylor, Chad Taylor, Isabel Vander Stoep, Dr. Zora DeGrandpre, Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Minutes: Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve minutes for the weeks of Feb. 28 and March 7, 2022. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Announcements • Commissioner Pollock said Dollars for Scholars will take place March 26 in Adna. • Connie Riker said she learned March 11 that the Department of Agriculture has nearly doubled – to $94,000 – its funding for the Southwest Washington Fair. Correspondence: Commissioner Grose said he has heard from many Howe Road residents who have concerns regarding a road-widening project. He said he would like to meet with Josh Metcalf and Erik Martin to further discuss the residents’ concerns. Lewis County Business Boost: Chad Taylor said The Chronicle would like to enter into a partnership with the county and Economic Alliance to create Lewis County Business Boost to use American Rescue Plan Act funding to provide area businesses advertising assistance through The Chronicle. He said the grants would be for $4,000 per business, with Lewis County providing $2,000 and The Chronicle providing $2,000 in in-kind services for up to 150 businesses. Chad said a similar program took place in Federal Way. Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): Commissioner Pollock discussed the possibility of reaching out to the small cities to determine whether the county can help them pursue the funding. Erik Martin noted that there is increased scrutiny for CDBG grants. Josh Metcalf said the county is helping Water District 1 with a CDBG grant and that it takes up the equivalent of 0.50 FTE. Informational meeting regarding Jones Road bridge: Commissioner Grose said he would attend the meeting if Commissioner Swope cannot. Packwood park (Skate Creek park): Connie Riker said the state plans to surplus the Packwood park and that the county plans to take over the property. Bill Serrahn shared his concerns regarding the proposed transfer. Biosolids: Commissioner Grose asked Erik Martin to monitor the topic. Erik noted that the county does not process biosolids applications but that the county is asked to submit comment when Ecology receives an application. Commissioner Pollock discussed the possibility of upgrading county facilities to process Class A biosolids instead of Class B biosolids. County logo: The commissioners said they would like the PA’s Office to reach out to an entity that has commandeered the county logo for commercial purposes. Zoom for quorum meetings: Commissioner Pollock said she’d like to continue streaming meetings via Zoom. Commissioner Grose said he’d like to gauge public attendance before making any decisions about moving away from Zoon. Packwood park: The commissioners asked staff to develop a list of potential opportunities to name parks, etc., in honor of Commissioner Stamper. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocations: Becky Butler discussed the need to identify plans for ARPA funding. She submitted a proposal outlining potential allocations. • 1 and 2: Public Health and Negative Economic Impacts • 3: Services to Disproportionately Impacted Communities • 4: Infrastructure • 5: Lost Revenue- General Government Services • 6: Administrative Becky said the county would need to do an RFP for “one-offs,” projects, such as the one The Chronicle pitched earlier in the meeting. Commissioner Pollock said she’d like to earmark additional funding for 911 radio infrastructure. The commissioners discussed moving $1 million from the water-sewer infrastructure “pot” to the radio infrastructure “pot.” Commissioner Grose said he’d like the county to extend its efforts to include counseling for veterans. Meeting ended at 10:12 a.m.