2022-03-22 Update with LMTAAAUpdate with LMTAAA March 22, 2022 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Nicole Kiddoo, Carrie Petit, Becky Butler, Austin Majors, Tiffanie Morgan Recorder: Rieva Lester Nicole Kiddoo and Carrie Petit described the nutrition funding through the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging. Nicole noted the funding is a four-year contract awarded through an RFP process. Nicole said LMTAAA provides a unit rate toward the costs of senior nutrition meals. Carrie said funds are distributed to the various counties based on the RFPs. Carrie said the Older Americans Act requires a funding match. Carrie said the contract that began in January 2022 is for $5.53 per congregate meal. Carrie said LMTAAA offered the Lewis County Seniors additional funds totaling $94,316 at the end of 2021 to use toward cleaning at the senior center sites. She said $77,656 of that was unused. Carrie said LMTAAA reimbursed the Lewis County Seniors group more than $349,000 in 2020 and more than $314,000 in 2021. Carrie said LMTAAA has earmarked more than $259,000 for the Lewis County Seniors for 2022, noting that the total includes the $77,656 in cleaning funds that were unused in 2021. Commissioner Grose noted that the funding totals show a significant decrease – to $180,000 – for congregate meals. Nicole said LMTAAA is reconsidering its allocations to reflect increased costs due to inflation and other factors. Carrie said the Lewis County Seniors group listed the following income in its 2022 contract with LMTAAA: • Fundraising: $117,000 • Lewis County: $100,000 • Local government: $25,000 The group noted that LMTAAA’s funding is tied to the Lewis County Seniors’ projected revenue. Nicole said LMTAAA can adjust its reimbursement rates if they are notified that the projected revenues have to be revised. Commissioner Swope left at 11:25 a.m. and returned at 11:27 a.m. Carrie said the $94,316 awarded in 2021 (of which $77,656 rolled over to 2022 for reimbursements) was earmarked to cover the costs for ice machines, an oven, a laptop, a desktop computer, HVAC cleaning and miscellaneous cleaning. Nicole and Carrie said Lewis County is unique in that the county government contributes toward the LC Seniors group annually. Meeting ended at 11:32 a.m.