2022-03-30 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update March 30, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, John Clark, Connie Riker, Matt Jaeger, Chis Panush, JP Anderson, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Meja Handlen, Michelle Sauter, Mindy Brooks, Patrick Shults, Sherri Dokken, Tammy Martin, Justia Madrigal Guests: Nic Scott, Isabel Vander Stoep Recorder: Rieva Lester Matt Jaeger discussed a request for proposals (RFP) to find a company to upgrade the door control and video surveillance systems at the jail. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to accept a bid on tax title property located off N. Pearl Street in Centralia. Josh Metcalf discussed the Publication of 2021 County Forces road construction projects and costs. Matt Jaeger discussed a resolution to authorize the Director of Information Technology Services to Execute a Purchase Order with Ednetics. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve a supplemental agreement that cumulatively increases a maximum amount payable in 2022 by more than $200,000 for an active Public Works agreement. Grace Jimenez discussed a resolution to establish a new Capital Projects fund: Broadband Infrastructure Fund No. 3400. Grace Jimenez discussed a resolution to establish a new Capital Projects fund: Real Estate Excise Tax, First Quarter Percent (REET 1) Fund No. 3110. Grace Jimenez discussed a resolution to establish a new Capital Projects fund: Real Estate Excise Tax, Second Quarter Percent (REET 2) Fund No. 3120. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve Agreement #E03-0149-21A between Lewis County and Equity Institute to provide funds through the housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0). Held: JP Anderson said he is postponing the proposed Agreement #TSAESG-CV-B between Lewis County and The Salvation Army to provide funds through the housing assistance unit Emergency Solutions COVID19 Grant. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve Agreement #T01-0150-21A between Lewis County and The Salvation Army to provide funds through the housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program Grant (ERAP 2.0). JP Anderson discussed a resolution to reappoint two individuals to the Criminal Justice Treatment Account Panel (CJTA). JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve Agreement #20-4613C-116 Amendment B between Lewis County and the Department of Commerce to provide services to individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to list the bids received and newspaper selected for Lewis County legal printing for July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to rescind Resolution No. 20-161, which established a No-Spray Agreement and Agreement Fee. Josh said he is not in favor of the move, noting that the spray program is an essential part of vegetation management and the fees associated with the no-spray agreements simply cover costs associated with staff time. He said vegetation that grows along the roadways poses a safety hazard and also proves costly and that spraying costs maintenance costs. Josh discussed the county’s liabilities and record-keeping requirements related to the no-spray areas. Commissioner Pollock discussed the work that goes into maintaining the records for no-spray agreements. Commissioner Grose said he opposes the charges associated with the program. Josh said 90 property owners currently request no-spray accommodations. Commissioner Swope said it’s punitive to charge landowners who want to care for their land. Commissioner Pollock noted that all property is functionally no-spray as long as the property owners care for the right of way. Josh said it’s a cost-recovery fee just like any other permit the county issues. Commissioner Grose and Commissioner Swope said they’d prefer to increase Public Works’ budget rather than charge property owners who want no-spray agreements. Erik Martin requested that the commissioners keep the $25 annual renewal piece. He noted that the BOCC directed directors to establish cost-recovery measures. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move three notice items, two consent items and 11 deliberation items to the Tuesday, April 5, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Erik Martin said he is working on a late add to voice support for the United Learning Center. Rieva Lester noted that the Auditor’s Office will have a late add to establish a fund for Parks and that she will process the two-year agreement with the Economic Alliance as a late add. Announcements / roundtables Steve Wohld said the commissioners had given preliminary approval for an HR assistant and that he would like to expand that role to an HR generalist. Lee Napier provided an update on March Madness and the next countywide challenge, a 75-day diet, exercise and mental toughness challenge. Josh Metcalf said paint striping will start soon and that chip seal work will start in April. Becky said she is recruiting for a financial analyst. She encouraged offices and departments to keep an eye on their budgets and to start planning for 2023. Doug Carey provided updates on the county’s capital projects. He noted that the juvenile project is making headway. He expressed concerns regarding supply chain disruptions. Connie Riker said staff has been working to prep parks to open in April. She said she is working on a resolution for the parks equipment. Chris Panush discussed improvements planned within HR and Risk. Wednesday Workshop Health Officer contract: Becky Butler said the cost in 2019 was $4,000 per month. She said the county moved to an hourly rate with Dr. Wood and then switched to a $6,800-a-month shared contract in January 2022. The commissioners said they would further discuss the budgetary aspect after receiving applicants’ proposals. Announcements Commissioner Pollock said Thurston County was happy to hear that Lewis County would be interested in participating in a meat-processing facility study. Commissioner Pollock said she’d like to discuss delaying any potential takeover of the state’s Skate Creek Park. Commissioner Swope said the night-by-night shelter forum will take place March 31. Correspondence Commissioner Grose said he’d like to work on a letter of support regarding infrastructure for Toledo. Meeting adjourned at 10:14 a.m.