2022-04-11 County Manager updateCounty Manager update April 11, 2022 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Lee Napier, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Austin Majors, Tammy Martin Guests: Isabel Vander Stoep, Pat Saldana, Nic Scott, Sheila Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin said Connie Riker needs clarification regarding how to communicate the county’s decision to decline – at least for now – the state’s offer to transfer ownership of Skate Creek park to Lewis County. Commissioner Grose said he’d like the timeline left open-ended. Internal Services update CFP update: Doug Carey and Steve Wohld provided updates on the CFP projects. Doug noted that lumber prices are starting to come back down. Steve said he’d provide a spreadsheet that identifies how funding shortages are being offset using REET funds. Steve said he plans to use $2.7 million from reserves to cover the Juvenile project. He said the county is asking the state for funding with the hopes that the use of reserves would be decreased to $500,000. Fairground building rentals: Connie Riker said the courts will continue using the fairgrounds through April and will vacate by May 1. Steve said he and Connie are using a cost-benefit to establish rental rates. 911 update 911 Communications Center Strategic Planning Workshop: Erik Martin said the group met the previous week and accomplished the following: • Drafted a mission statement • Discussed moving to a new form of governance • Identified elected positions that would serve on a board of directors for a new form of governance • Discussed cost allocations needed to move to a new form of governance Erik said the county would need to work with the PA’s Office to determine what would be needed legally to transfer oversight / governance to a new entity. Erik noted that the group would need to identify a funding source, be it a sales tax or something else. Public Works/DEM update Fleet vehicle purchases: Erik said supply chain issues have delayed county purchases. He said Josh suggested purchasing additional Sheriff’s Office vehicles now – while they are available – instead of waiting until the following year to place the order in an effort to ensure the county can get them. Erik said he would ask Josh to further discuss the proposal. Community Development update Code revision process: Lee Napier suggested using the following process for CD items that would go before the commissioners: • Friday before the Directors’ Update notice of hearing: Distribute read-ahead. • At the Directors’ Update for the notice: Provide short presentation to introduce topics during Wednesday Workshop. • At the Business Meeting for the notice: Discuss resolution, but no presentation. • At the Directors’ Update for the hearing: Short presentation at Wednesday Workshop. • At the Business Meeting for the hearing: Truncated or expanded presentation. Erik said he will be out of the office later in the week and has canceled his April 18 County Manager update. Meeting adjourned at 11:29 a.m.