2022-04-20 ESC Directors UpdateESC / Directors’ Update April 20, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Chris Panush, John Abplanalp, Austin Majors, Connie Riker, Matt Jaeger, Doug Carey, Shad Hail, Scott Tinney, Arny Davis, John Clark, Tammy Martin, Casey Mauermann, Dianne Dorey, Eric Farmer, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Larry Grove, Mindy Brooks, Marni Larson, Susie Palmateer, Tom Stanton, Wes Rethwill Guests: Nic Scott, Isabel Vander Stoep Recorder: Rieva Lester ESC Parking lot for Assessor and Jury: Steve Wohld said the county is installing lighting at the parking lots. Steve noted that the lots will be named using colors. Lee Napier reminded staff that many Community Development customers will require larger, longer parking sites for trucks with trailers. Steve said county crews are beginning landscaping work. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and City of Centralia regarding work by county crews and authorizing signatures thereon. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Lewis County Fire District 6 regarding work by county crews and authorizing signatures thereon. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve a Title VI Non-Discrimination agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Department of Transportation. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution regarding the declaration of surplus vehicles and equipment. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve the selection of Tanner LLC for Lewis County Long-Range Strategic Planning Services. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move two consent items and five deliberation items to the Tuesday, April 26, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. The group noted that Resolution 22-119 (provide preliminary plat approval for the subdivision of Douglas Lane Acres - application Number LP19-00001) had been held during the April 19 Business Meeting and would be forwarded to the April 26 Business Meeting. The commissioners said they would like to delay action regarding Resolution 22-117 (issue a solicitation for consultant services regarding establishing a water bank), which also had been held during the April 19 meeting. COVID-19 John Abplanalp provided an update on the most recent reporting week (April 8-14, 2022): • 22 new cases • 3 new hospitalizations • 0 new deaths John noted that a previously reported death was mistakenly attributed to Lewis County. Announcements Josh Metcalf discussed troubles at the Vader Water system. He said the area is under a boil-water order. Josh discussed an uptick in hostile, vulgar verbal abuse from constituents. Chris Panush discussed work to create a personnel authorization form (PAF) process. Chris said HR also is working on a tiered grid for casual positions. The group discussed how to best handle disruptive customers. Erik said he’d like to see the county bolster its language regarding abuse and harassment. Erik said he’d like to put together an ad hoc committee to review Title VI requirements. Commissioner Pollock volunteered. Connie Riker said Schaefer Park has opened. Connie said water repairs are taking place at the Fairgrounds. She said Rose Park is expected to open by the end of April. She said is working on an agreement to have the Claquato Cemetery oversee care of the Claquato Church. Connie said the fairgrounds is being added to a map-based tourism application. Connie said a meeting regarding 4-H superintendents will take place later in the day. The group discussed water pipe problems at the fairgrounds and how to best address the recurring problems. Commissioner Swope said he’d like to know the water use and the costs of the water use at the fairgrounds. Steve Wohld noted that the area was winterized – with lines closed – and that costs were still $3,000 per month. Matt Jaeger said the deadline for the jail RFP has been extended. Doug said he is working on a bid process for the campus parking lot projects. Doug said the Juvenile center occupancy date has been pushed to Aug. 1. Wednesday Workshop Letter of support: The commissioners approved a letter of support regarding Mossyrock's Congressionally Directed Spending request. Community Development personnel authorization form (PAF) for planner position: Lee Napier said she would like permission to advertise a vacant position as both an entry-level and a mid-level position. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Lee’s Community Development PAF. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Calendars Commissioner Swope discussed an upcoming hydrogen discussion / luncheon. Commissioner Swope noted he would be out of the office the following week. Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.