2022-04-19 PA UpdatePA Update April 19, 2022 2:02 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, Robert Bradley, Andrew Logerwell, Amber Smith, Austin Majors, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Eric Eisenberg, Tiffanie Morgan, Steve Wohld Guest(s): IsabeL Vander Stoep, Jared Wenzelburger Recorder: Tammy Martin Open session Land use hearings reminder – Amber Smith said the Planning Commission and the Planned Growth committee will be active in the coming months. At this time, there are currently eight active projects. These are quasi-judicial matters and the Commissioners not permitted to speak to constituents about them. Housing initiative- Eric Eisenberg said funding for the housing initiative is set to run out May of 2022. Eric said that a staff person will be needed to continue outreach and agency work. He wanted the Commissioners to consider funding options for his position as well as the future staffing needs. Executive session At 2:13 p.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 12 minutes to discuss Point Blake Timber sale appeal, LC Water District #2 and #5 litigation wrap-up, the County seal, and the animal shelter. Executive Session started at 2:14 p.m. At 2:26 p.m., the Board extended executive session for 2 minutes. Executive Session ended at 2: 28 p.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made. Andrew Logerwell asked the Board for direction concerning the County seal. Commissioner Grose made a motion for the PA’s office to pursue a cease and desist letter as well as potential litigation if necessary regarding unauthorized use of the county seal. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Eric Eisenberg asked the Board for direction concerning the timber sale appeals. Commissioner Grose made a motion for Lewis County to partner with American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) as amicus in the consolidated Grays Harbor Timber sale appeals, at AFRC’s expense. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.