2022-05-04 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update May 4, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Lee Napier, Steve Wohld, JP Anderson, Chris Panush, Rocky Lyon, Charles Edmonson, John Clark, Austin Majors, Doug Carey, Connie Riker, Tiffanie Morgan, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Mindy Brooks Guest(s): Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester John Clark discussed a resolution to approve a contract with Spectra Contract Flooring for Law and Justice flooring project. Doug Carey noted that the project had been budgeted for in the Capital Budget. John Clark discussed a resolution to approve a lease agreement between Lewis County and the Lewis County Historical Museum. He said one change the five-year lease is that the county will no longer provide janitorial services. Rocky Lyon discussed a resolution to ratify Agreement No. SWMWRRED-2002-LeCSWU-00009 with the Washington State Department of Ecology to reduce recycling contamination. Rocky said the $80,000 grant, which requires a 20 percent match, will help with recycling efforts. Charles Edmonson discussed a resolution to approve Agreement NO. 22-PA-11060300-010 with the USDA Forest Service, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, to add funding totaling $10,000.00 effective through November 30, 2024. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing to approve a franchise to National Frozen Foods Corporation to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities in Lewis County road rights of way. Commissioner Grose made a motion to move two consent items, four deliberation items and one hearing to the Tuesday, May 10, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. COVID-19 JP Anderson said the county has seen a slight increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. He said the county also saw five new hospitalizations and two new deaths. Roundtable JP Anderson said the county Humane Officer has helped relocate 21 animals that were at risk locally. Erik Martin discussed a flood presentation planned for May 5. He said Tanner LLC is working John Clark said the county is working on an application for a courthouse preservation grant. Connie Riker said the recent Spring Youth Fair was a success despite water line problems. Rocky Lyon said the county collected 140 tons of tires in four hours during a recent recycling event. He said two more events are planned. Josh Metcalf thanked Centralia for its efforts to help with the Spring Youth Fair. He thanked the Chehalis Airport for its fuel system help. Becky Butler discussed work taking place to establish a PAF process. Wednesday Workshop Connie Riker said the county’s consultant will give a parks presentation May 9, with a resolution to go before the board during the May 11 Directors' Update. Commissioner Pollock noted that Samantha Mitchell from the Youth Advocacy Center of Lewis County will give a presentation May 10. Calendars The commissioners discussed their calendars. Rieva Lester said there would be an early deadline for Memorial Day weekend: Items for the May 31 Directors’ Update and the June 1 Business Meeting must be finalized by 10 a.m. May 25. Meeting ended at 9:23 a.m.