ARPA Recap 5-6-22 American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds May 2022 1 Contact Information 2 Economic Alliance of Lewis County Executive Director Richard DeBolt 3 Lewis County MOU Facilitate and plan stakeholder meetings as related to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Research and lobby for infrastructure funding Develop criteria and application process for grant funding Facilitate Economic Impact meetings with stakeholders This is step 1. We are working on the research portion and criteria development. 4 The Economic Alliance of Lewis County Strategic Plan 2021-2023 Richard intro Troy 5 Capital Budget Troy Nichols Phillip Burgess Government Relations Mapping system. Identify areas where there are a number of overlapping or adjacent projects that can be bundled and presented to the Legislature as a larger project with multiple partners. This increases funding opportunities. 6 Captial Budget Dig-Once Language FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Dig-Once Pilot Program (91002171) The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations: The appropriation in this section is provided solely for the department, in coordination with the system improvement team, to implement a dig-once pilot program to identify opportunities to dig once and bury fiber optic cables and conduits, repair water or sewer pipes, and repair roads, bridges, and sidewalks at the same time. The goals of the pilot program include minimizing local disruption, maximizing efficiencies, and demonstrating the ability to achieve cost savings to state and local governments. The pilot program must be implemented in Lewis county in collaboration with the department of transportation and the economic alliance of Lewis county. (1) The department of transportation and local governments must collaborate with the department to identify and coordinate projects in Lewis county that require excavation work on public property, such as projects improving fish passage barriers, roads, broadband, water, wastewater, or stormwater infrastructure. (2) The department must report to the office of financial management and fiscal committees of the legislature by December 1, 2022, regarding the implementation and potential cost savings of the dig-once pilot program and any recommendations related to implementation of a statewide dig-once policy. Appropriation: State Building Construction Account—State. . . . . . . . $40,000 7 2022-2023 ARPA and Infrastructure Calendar Todd and Intro Buck Lucas DOC Local Gov Division 8 Buck Lucas with the Department of Commerce Dig Once Pilot Project Coordination 9 Lewis County Infrastructure Initiatives GIS Mapping System Huge thanks to the County Public Works team, including Josh Metcalf, Gary Hurley, and Seth Lackie. The map is the foundation of our entire project. 10 LCII The Lewis County Infrastructures Initiatives Map Identify areas where there are a number of overlapping or adjacent projects that can be bundled and presented to the Legislature as a larger project with multiple partners. This increases funding opportunities. 11 ARPA and HDR Consulting Combined Project Data and Scoring Intro Josh Metcalf to discuss scoring and HDR. Scoring metric needs to clear, have defined objectives, with consistent scoring that is data driven. Goal is to provide the County the City of Centralia and Chehalis as well as the smaller communities and other partners with the resources do determine the best course of action. 12 Success in 2022 13 Outcomes 14 Beyond ARPA 15 Question & Answers Period 16