2022-05-10 Budget UpdateBudget Update May 10, 2022 2:02 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Austin Majors, Becky Butler Guest: None Recorder: Tammy Martin Becky Butler said the Auditor’s Office is finishing final statements year-end reporting for 2021. There is a reported surplus of $312,000 for the 2021 year. Commissioner Swope asked how the County reacted to the recession of 2009. Becky gave examples of budgets cut-backs that were made. The Commissioners would like to monitor revenue expenses in preparation of possible sales tax decline. Becky has been working with the Risk Department to develop a budget to provide for risk management services. Commissioner Grose said it would be prudent to delegate funding toward LEOFF I. Becky said there will be union negotiations and their budget impacts will be presented to the Board once available. Becky said the Budget Committee will be returning for budget planning for 2023. The budget is finalized the first Monday in December. Becky said the continued support for Senior Services will be a topic for budget. The second request of ARPA funds have been made. The Fox application for the theatre is still in progress. Fair water and Vader Water projects are working towards being reviewed to ensure they meet federal guidelines. Becky is developing an MOU for guidelines and reporting for the use of the ARPA funds. Becky had one submission during the RFP process. Staffing has been a challenge and this has limited the ability to applying for grant opportunities. Becky said the youth mental health presentation during the May 10 Business Meeting needs more discussion to determine if more funding sources are needed. Meeting ended at 2:57 p.m.