2022-05-11 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update May 11, 2022 Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Grace Jimenez, JP Anderson, Chris Panush, Kevin McDowell, Doug Carey, Matt Jaeger, Austin Majors, Connie Riker, Becky Butler, John Clark, Josh Metcalf, Commissioner Swope (9:08 a.m.) Guest(s): Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve Consolidated Contract #CLH31017 Amendment 4 between Lewis County and the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). Commissioner Grose made a motion to move two consent items and one deliberation item to the Tuesday, May 17, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Commissioner Swope joined at 9:08 a.m. Rieva Lester noted there would be a late add for a Day Wireless contract. Roundtable Matt Jaeger said IT has finished Phase II of the courts project. He said he will open Jail door bids later in the week. Connie Riker gave the following updates: • The Fairgrounds water main is being repaired • The Vintage Trailer Rally drew 65 trailer participants • The Toledo fishing derby has been canceled • The county has finalized an MOU with Claquato Church • The Chamber has donated a stage to the Fairgrounds • SummerFest will take place at the Fairgrounds Josh Metcalf said he and others held their second I-5 closure meeting to develop a plan for possible closures. He said the federal government is considering providing funding for the Blake Junction project. Becky Butler urged rate-setters to begin working on their budgets. She said employees are working on plans to honor Commissioner Stamper the week of his birthday. Connie said the Cowlitz River Public Access Park is nearing completion and may open the week before Memorial Day weekend. COVID-19 JP Anderson noted the county had 69 new cases, six new hospitalizations and two new COVID-19 deaths during the most recent reporting week (April 29-May 5, 2022). Wednesday Workshop Casual rate of pay Chris Panush said a shallow labor market has led to a need to address the way the process for setting casual employee rates of pay. He proposed the following: • Option 1: If a position is a permanently funded Full Time Employee (FTE) and a vacancy occurs, the Elected/Director may immediately hire a qualified, casual employee at the current budgeted grade on a temporary basis and continue the established recruitment process. This will temporarily fill the gap until the normal hiring process is completed. The temporary basis will not normally exceed 5 months. • Option 2: For seasonal or other casual positions or requirements, these options may be considered: “Casual Employee 1” For other Casual positions, Elected/Directors may hire employees at Grade 107 Steps 1-13 on their own authority. “Casual Employee Senior” For more experienced, skilled, trained etc. positions, Elected/Directors may hire employees at Grade 115 Steps 1-13 on their own authority. “Casual Subject Matter Expert (SME) for highly technical, specialized, market positions, Elected/Directors may hire employees at a higher rate with BOCC approval via the resolution process. The group discussed the merits of both options. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the casual employee grid as presented. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Parks and Fair plan Approve Resolution 22-148: Approve Lewis County Parks PROS Plan and Southwest Washington Fairgrounds Master Plan. Connie Riker discussed the two plans being considered under the resolution. Commissioner Pollock discussed the possibility of creating impact fees, which may be required under some grants. Connie said the consultant recommended the county consider establishing impact fees. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Resolution 22-148: Approve Lewis County Parks PROS Plan and Southwest Washington Fairgrounds Master Plan. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Executive session At 9:58 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 10 minutes to discuss pending litigation regarding Central Shop. Executive Session started at 10 a.m. • At 10:10 a.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. • At 10:15 a.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 1 minute. • At 10:16 a.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 1 minute. Executive Session ended at 10:17 a.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made. Commissioner Swope made a motion to authorize Kevin McDowell to reach out to outside counsel with the settlement terms discussed during executive session. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:19 a.m.