2022-05-25 ARPA updateARPA planning May 25, 2022 10:38 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Lindsey Shankle, Austin Majors, Connie Riker, Tiffanie Morgan, Janelle Lindsey Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler gave the following updates: • City of Chehalis is being encouraged to apply for .09 funds instead of using the $750,000 from ARPA funds. • Becky is working with the PA’s Office to develop standard language for departments to use for RFPs, etc. • HDR has submitted its review. Josh Metcalf has requested permission to use any funding overages to help pay for engineering and permitting. • The Court’s Webex project is nearing completion. Becky said the project is roughly $10,000 to $12,000 over the amount allocated. The commissioners directed staff to use the ARPA allocation for technology funds to cover the Webex shortage. Lindsey Shankle discussed outreach and planning regarding a mentor program the county is helping establish. Connie Riker said she is reviewing the ARPA guidelines to ensure her fairgrounds water infrastructure project meets federal requirements, noting that she cannot piggyback on Public Works’ infrastructure portion of the ARPA allotments because the project is too far along. Steve Wohld clarified that any water system work being done in-house at the fairgrounds would be completed to specifications. Steve and Connie said they don’t know if the $1 million the commissioners earmarked for the fairgrounds will be enough to fix the water and stormwater and repair the disturbed asphalt. Becky said HDR is creating an inventory of the county’s various water infrastructure systems. She said the proposal Connie and Steve are working on is a more in-depth plan that identifies a design. Connie said she hopes to have a design completed by October. Becky said the PA’s Office is working to implement the project the commissioners approved. Steve reviewed IT’s top five technology projects: • Secondary fiber run to Central Shop. Considering Starlink as backup. • Security-centralized log-in. • Campus-wide wireless overhaul. • Cameras. • Software to manage Facilities assets. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.