2022-05-24 Budget UpdateBudget Update May 24, 2022 2:04 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Chris Panush, Austin Majors, Steve Wohld Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Becky Butler said the memo presented to the Commissioners, includes recommendations related to the Workers’ Comp fund, general liability fund, and unemployment fund. Chris Panush recommended increasing workers’ comp $46,000 to have $1.8 million in reserve. Becky said at the end of 2021 there was over $2 million available in the fund, but recent claims have impacted those funds. PTSD claims are now eligible for workers’ comp and this would ensure funds would be available. PTSD is not a closeable claim and therefore, can be reactivated with the possibility of requiring additional funding. ARPA funds do not cover insurance costs. The general liability fund is budgeted at $1.8 million and due to the increase in cyber threats, HR/Risk suggests a $240,000 increase for a fund balance of approximately $2 million for reserves. Becky said some funds in general liability have other obligations and that costs have increased with inflation. The unemployment fund has a balance of $950,000, which is over the recommended amount and at this time, HR/Risk is recommending no increase. Becky said depending on any increase in expenditures, a mid-rate increase can be made. Becky said a clean memo will be sent out to acquire signatures for acceptance of increases of funds. Becky said departments have sent budget limitations and there wasn’t a consistent way of submitting requests. Becky has asked the Board what they prefer to see. The Board agreed they would like to see a memo for the request and that a budget impact statement would be helpful to justify each ask. The budget request for should be used when writing the budget request due to the information that is required for a budget request. The Board suggested similar request of information / justification as to how the position would benefit the public when asking for new position. Commissioner Swope suggested the directors submit a 5-year impact on the budget. Becky said creating next year’s budget includes the inter funds, operational costs, increase in expenditures and review with the internal service funds. Becky said there will be a written project update regarding ARPA projects. Becky said there was a broadband team update this week that clarified the project did not have to be complete by the funding date. There was a concern that ToleoTel did not have a project start date and there will be update at the County Manager update. Becky said there was only one applicant for the RFP for grant administration and that she selected consultant BerryDunn. There will be a contract presented to the Board and the scope of the contract will include projects to be completed on an as-needed basis. Erik Martin said Eric Eisenberg will be focusing on housing infrastructure. His start date will be June 1. There is a job description, scoring tool, and a salary. The PAF will be submitted to the Board. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve Eric Eisenberg for the Housing infrastructure position to start June 1, 2022. Commissioner Grose Seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 2:53 p.m.