2022-06-01 ESC DirectorsESC / Directors’ Update June 1, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, John Clark, Daleyn Coleman, Matt Jaeger, Connie Riker, Justin Stennick, Grace Jimenez, Josh Metcalf, Charles Edmonson, Dianne Dorey, Casey Mauermann, Carrie Breen, Captain Tawes, Chief Breen, Eric Eisenberg, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Matt Thuston, Mindy Brooks, Ric VanWyck, Sandy Lupo, Sarah Hensley, Sherri Guenther, Susie Palmateer, Arny Davis, Scott Tinney, Tina Hemphill, Tom Stanton, Undersheriff Rethwill, Vanessa Ruelas Guest(s): Nic Scott, Isabel Vander Stoep Recorder: Rieva Lester ESC Erik Martin announced the launch of a new Personnel Authorization Form / Personnel Action Form (PAF) process. He, Becky Butler and Grace Jimenez reviewed the steps for the new process. Roundtable Undersheriff Rethwill discussed the Packwood flea market that took place over the weekend. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE Erik Martin discussed a resolution to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for state and federal lobbying services for Lewis County. The commissioners said they’d like monthly updates from the prospective lobbyist. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve contract R01-0159-22 between Reliable Enterprises and Lewis County Public Health & Social Services. The commissioners said they’d like to use an RFP process for future work. Matt Jaeger discussed a resolution to list the proposals received and vendor selected for the Jail Door Control and Video Surveillance Upgrade. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and two deliberation items to the Tuesday, June 7, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Rieva Lester noted that proposed Resolution 22-163 (Approve an interagency agreement between the state of Washington Department of Ecology and Lewis County Public Health & Social Services), which was held May 31, will be added to the June 6 Wrap-Up to be added to the June 7 Business Meeting. Announcements Meja Handlen invited the commissioners to the Kids’ Day event planned for June 4. Becky said budget planning for internal service rates has kicked off. The group discussed troubleshooting for audio problems in the BOCC Hearing Room. Connie Riker gave the following updates: • All county parks are open • A name is still needed for the Cowlitz River Access Park • Fair exhibitor entries will be available the following week Josh Metcalf gave the following updates: • Roads are being paint-striped. • Weather and staffing issues have delayed mowing. • The county is having a hard time hiring casual employees. Wednesday Workshop Property acquisition for West Connector project with Centralia: Josh Metcalf said Centralia has reached out about purchasing a roughly 60-acre piece of property near Scheuber Road. He said he is working on a draft agreement to purchase the property in coordination with the city as well as the Office of the Chehalis Basin. He said OCB would pay for 20 percent and the city and county would split the remaining 80 percent of the cost. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), including HDR infrastructure project: Josh said $100,000 had been allocated for the project and that work on the project scope totaled roughly $64,000. Josh said he’d like to request approval to reallocate the remaining unused funds to improve the fuel system at the airport. Commissioner Swope made a motion to reallocate the unused portion of the allocated ARPA funding toward design and engineering for the underground storage tanks at the airport. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. New business Commissioner Grose said he plans to attend a biosolids meeting in Toledo on June 7. Meeting adjourned at 10:18 a.m.