2022-06-06 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update June 6, 2022 10:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Lindsey Shankle, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks Guest(s): Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Strategic planning: Erik Martin said Mackey Smith of Tanner LLC will meet with the ESC at 9:45 a.m. June 7 to discuss Strategic Planning. PAF signing authority: Commissioner Swope said he’d like offices and departments to review any budget impacts positions would have. He said he’d like to have all new FTEs come before the commissioners. The commissioners said they’d like to approve any actions that would increase an office or department’s budget. The commissioners said they’d like a flow chart to help outline the process. Commissioner Swope said he’d like the information used for the PAF to autofill other needed forms, such as IT and Facilities requests. Josh Metcalf gave the following Public Works / DEM updates: Airport • Working on master plan, which was last updated in 2017. • Hiring a consultant to design a replacement for the fuel system at Toledo airport. • Hangars will begin returning to county ownership in 2023. • Hangar policies and lease language will be updated. Commissioner Swope said Southwest Clean Air Agency has discussed underground fuel tanks. Josh said the tank will be inspected and that the plan is to fill it with sand and then cap it. Maintenance • County is roughly 45 days behind schedule for repairs. • Hot asphalt is roughly 30 days behind. • Staffing continues to be problematic. Regular employees are having to fill the casual flagger positions. • Roads have been cut from the chip seal program due to rising costs. • Working on 13 FEMA projects that will kick off next spring. Projects / utilities • RFP for the Packwood sewer project is ready for the Attorney General’s Office to review. • County is working on an RFP for the Vader Water Infrastructure improvement project. • WSDOT is reviewing the Harrison agreement. Funding is not available until after it’s approved. Reimbursement isn’t available until WSDOT approves the agreement. • Pump 3 at Vader had to be replaced. • Vader and Middle Fork rates need to be adjusted to reflect maintenance costs. • Planning for the Cascadia Rising event has been successful. Events are planned for the following week. • New Emergency Management employee started June 6. • Staff is working on the West Connector project. • Two railroad projects likely will receive funding. Steve Wohld have the following Internal Services updates: • Capital Facilities projects are running into supply issues. • Rain has delayed footing work. • Superior Court would like to use the Masonic building. • Reynolds could be used as a staging area during Reynolds repairs. • Will need to identify an additional $2 million to pay for Capital projects if the county chooses to keep its additional property, rather than sell it. Becky Butler urged the commissioners to consider future impacts of keeping additional buildings. 911 Erik Martin said Jaime Herrera Beutler continues looking into funding opportunities for the 911 radio infrastructure upgrades. Erik said he is in negotiations with a candidate for the 911 Director position. The commissioners discussed concerns regarding potential salary compression when a position is hired at a higher rate than other established positions. The commissioners said they support Erik working on the 911 contract negotiation without bringing the topic before the board. The commissioners suggested Erik write a memo for the Combined User Committee members to outline the changes being proposed. Meeting ended at 11:07 a.m.