2022-06-07 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update June 7, 2022 11:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Warren McLeod, Dana Tucker Guest(s): Recorder: Tammy Martin Warren McLeod provided the following year-to-date statistics: • 400 total deaths year-to-date • 1 homicide • 3 suicide • 21 accidental deaths • 3 pending These cases include 11 drug-related deaths and 30 autopsies. Vehicles: Warren said his office would like to purchase 2 vehicles from Twin Transit. Both vehicles could be retrofitted. This would cost $1660 per month for the rest of the year starting the month the vehicles are obtained. Each vehicle would be available to purchase from Twin Transit for $1 each. Casual help: 1 fulltime employee on FMLA and 1 employee on medical leave. There will be an increase in the casual budget due to the impact. YTD Budget: Commissioner Grose told Warren that budget increases need to be managed more appropriately. He has asked Warren to trim the budget. Warren said decedent removals is not something that can be budgeted for. Warren said coroner employees have been using personal vehicles to respond to scenes. This is a liability to the County. Dana Tucker explained the reasons behind asking for a budget increase. Warren left at 11:47 a.m. Meeting ended at 11:48 a.m.