2022-06-07 PUD UpdateUpdate with PUD
June 7, 2022
3:42 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Chris Roden,
Jacob Henry
Guest(s): None
Recorder: Tammy Martin
South county substation and transmission project: Chris Roden introduced Jacob Henry as PUD’s new
Business Services Manager. One of the key projects Jacob is transitioning into is the south county
substation and transmission project. Chris said the goal is to secure outside funding sources. They have
been awarded .09 funds, capital building funding and a federal appropriation totaling almost $6.9
million. PUD has secured land on the corner of SR 505 and N. Military adjacent to the industrial parks,
providing the ability to serve south Lewis County in the future. They will still need to secure
approximately $10-16 million in additional funding to complete the substation based on current
Broadband: Jacob said both grant-funded broadband projects are moving forward for the east end of
Lewis County. Chris said PUD does try to make use of current fiber cables to install additional service
cable. They are looking to submit for additional grants and would like to solicit letters of support.
Announcements: Chris said there will be improvements made to the Elbe, Randle and Packwood
Meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.