2022-06-13 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up June 13, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Connie Riker, Daleyn Coleman, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Doug Carey Meja Handlen, Kristen Wecker, Lindsey Shankle, Mindy Brooks, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Eric Eisenberg, Grace Jimenez Guest(s): Nic Scott and others Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment on any final-action items listed on the agenda: None. Agenda changes Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the June 14, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting agenda Resolution 22-163: Approve an interagency agreement between the state of Washington Department of Ecology and Lewis County Public Health & Social Services. (This item was held over from the May 31, 2022, Business Meeting.) Commissioner Grose seconded. The commissioners expressed concerns regarding the partnership. They questioned why the county would need to serve as an intermediator for Ecology. Motion failed 0-3. Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the June 14, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting agenda the following items: • Resolution 22-175: Declare a state of emergency for the Little Hanaford Road Slide Repair project under WAC 197-11-880 and WAC 173-27-040(2)(d). • Resolution 22-176: Declare a state of emergency for the Garrard Creek Road Scour Repair project under WAC 197-11-880 and WAC 173-27-040(2)(d). Commissioner Grose seconded. Josh Metcalf described the damages prompting the road emergencies. Motion passed 3-0. Real estate update: Steve Wohld provided the following updates regarding the Kresky property the county is considering using for an animal shelter: • Zoning will allow for shelter. • Bequest has sufficient funds to purchase the property. • Already have performed feasibility study / environmental study. • Architects agree that the building will work. Commissioner Grose made a motion to proceed forward with the purchase of the property. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Public Facilities District (District 1) vacancy: Rieva Lester said the county received two applications for its PFD vacancy. The commissioners directed her to schedule interviews with the applicants. IRS mileage rate increase: Rieva noted that the IRS had established a mid-year mileage rate increase. The commissioners directed Rieva to create a resolution to change the county’s rate to match the federal rate. Civil Service Commission request for pay increase: Daleyn Coleman noted that Linda Bailey had reached out and requested a rate increase – fewer than eight hours per week. She noted that Linda has received an increase for similar work she performs for the city of Chehalis and that she suggested a pay increase for the work she performs for the county. She noted that Linda works fewer than eight hours per month and that the position recently moved from a flat rate to an hourly rate, which led to considerable savings for the county. Federal grants for Blakeslee Junction switches and Puget Sound & Pacific yard tracks: Josh Metcalf said the county has received grants for work along Blakeslee Junction. Minutes: Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve minute folders for the weeks of May 16 and May 23, 2022. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Calendars: Commissioner Grose noted he would be out of the office June 15. Announcements: Commissioner Swope said he attended a recent WCIF conference, during which WCIF announced plans to focus on ancillary insurance. Commissioner Grose discussed a recent Timber Counties meeting. Meeting ended at 9:43 a.m.