2022 Lewis County Outreach Presentation 6-28-2022 Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority Reducing Flood Damage and Restoring Aquatic Species Lewis County June 29, 2022 1 of 18 Scott Boettcher Staff, Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority 360/480-6600scottb@sbgh-partners.com Today’s Presentation Describe the “Flood Authority” #1 -- Local Projects #2 -- Flood Warning System #3 – Role Touch on “Office of Chehalis Basin” and “Chehalis Basin Strategy” Allow time for discussion . 2 of 18 6-29-2022 Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority Grays Harbor County (2008) City of Aberdeen (2008) City of Cosmopolis(2011) City of Hoquiam (2017) City of Montesano (2008) City of Oakville (2008) Thurston County (2008) Town of Bucoda (2008) Formed in 2008 Focused on flood hazard mitigation Decision-making informed by science protective of Basin residents/communities environmentally appropriate Jurisdictions represented (see inter-local agreement) Lewis County (2008) City of Centralia (2008) City of Chehalis (2008) City of Napavine (2011) Town of Pe Ell (2008) 3 of 18 6-29-2022 Local Projects (#1) 4 of 18 Reduce flood damage.   Protect people, property, infrastructure.   Improve readiness, response, resiliency. Drinking Water (Boistfort, Bucoda). Wastewater (Montesano, Pe Ell). Emergency Response (Grays Harbor County, Chehalis-Centralia Airport). Regional Economic Infrastructure (Montesano, Port of Chehalis, Port of Grays Harbor). Community Protection (Aberdeen, Adna, Bucoda, Centralia, Chehalis, Chehalis Tribe, Cosmopolis, Hoquiam, Oakville). Flood Warning (Basin-wide). State Capital Budget: 2012-13 -- $ 5.0M 2013-15 -- $10.7M 2015-17 -- $15.7M 2017-19 -- $ 9.6M 2019-21 -- $ 6.3M 2021-23 -- $ 4.1M $51.4M 6-29-2022 Local Projects (Completed 2012-23) 5 of 18 Cost: $694,152 (average)   Timeframe: 647 days (average)   Sequence: 1st = “Plan/Study/Design” project (24 completed) 2nd = “Construction” project (27 completed) 6-29-2022 Local Projects (Chehalis-Centralia) 6 of 18 COMPLETED – Chehalis-Centralia Airport 6-29-2022 January 2022 New Pump -- 2017 Old Pump – 1940s New Pump Cost = $1.1M Widening Levee = $1.2M ROI = Substantial (~$9M annual in local and state tax revenues) 1/2022 High-water event = Airport stayed operational Widening/Repairing Levee – 2014 Local Projects (Farm Pads) 7 of 18 COMPLETED – Farm Pads (Lewis and Grays Harbor counties) 6-29-2022 January 2022 Flood Event (Bob Amrine, Lewis CD): Farm pads worked for those who used their pads (animals did not drown like in 2007 and equipment was saved). Farmers were grateful that their livelihoods could continue, and their animals were out of harm’s way (though in some cases they wish they had larger pads for more equipment). Local Projects (Boistfort Valley) 8 of 18 COMPLETED – Boistfort Valley Water Pre-Sedimentation Pond 6-29-2022 Local Projects (Adna) 9 of 18 COMPLETED – Adna Levee Project (2013) 6-29-2022 Local Projects (Chehalis Industrial Park) 10 of 18 UNDERWAY – Chehalis Industrial Park: “Regionalized Floodwater Management Approach” 6-29-2022 2019 Flooding, Rick Rouse Vicinity Topography, Lewis County GIS Web Map Developed with State Capital Budget $. Maintained with local $. 11 of 18 www.chehalisriverflood.com Flood Warning System (#2) 6-29-2022 12 of 18 Flood Warning System (2022 Flood Event) Flood Warning System Works! 6-29-2022 Help local communities identify, develop, implement local flood hazard solutions. Appoint 3 of 7 members to Chehalis Basin Board (current appointees are Vickie Raines, Edna Fund, Jay Gordon). Provide local perspective to Basin-Wide solution discussions. Advocate for balanced basin-wide fish and flood solutions (see local resolutions library here). Work as a team. 13 of 18 Flood Authority Role (#3) 6-29-2022 Office of Chehalis Basin, Chehalis Basin Strategy 14 of 18 6-29-2022 Today vs 2007 Today, we are substantially more aware, better prepared for catastrophic flooding than ever before. We have a state-of-the art flood warning system. We’ve completed many cost-efficient local projects and habitat projects. We’re serving people, local governments, emergency responders, agriculture, fish and habitat. We have a governance, administrative, and funding structure that’s delivering results. 15 of 18 https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/office-of-chehalis-basin/ 6-29-2022 Looking Ahead Proposed Flood Retention Facility – DRAFT EISs were issued February 2020 (SEPA) and September 2020 (NEPA). Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District (project proponent) working diligently to provide refinements and clarifications for FINAL EIS. Final EISs are currently scheduled for release in late 2022/early 2023. Local Projects – (1) 2023-25 call for local projects will be issued June 29, 2022. (2) Working with LC Public Works to scope out a $60K “Lower Boistfort Valley preliminary CMZ study” Flood Authority Meetings – Third Thursday of January, February, March, May, July, September, and November from 10 AM to 11:15 AM (11:30 AM). Chehalis Basin Board Meetings – First Thursday of every month from 9 AM to 2 PM. Sign-Up For Email Gage Alerts – www.chehalisriverflood.com 16 of 18 6-29-2022 Key Contacts Vickie Raines, Grays Harbor County Representative Chair, Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority Chair, Chehalis Basin Board 360/249-3731 vraines@co.grays-harbor.wa.us Edna Fund, Lewis County Representative Vice-Chair, Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority Member, Chehalis Basin Board 360/269-7514 dutch@localaccess.com Scott Boettcher Staff, Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority 360/480-6600 scottb@sbgh-partners.com 17 of 18 6-29-2022 Thank You! 18 of 18 6-29-2022 Also -- Key Links Key Organizations: Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority -- www.ezview.wa.gov/chehalisfloodauthority Office of Chehalis Basin -- https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-to-know-us/Our-Programs/Office-of-Chehalis-Basin Chehalis Basin Board -- https://www.ezview.wa.gov/site/alias__1962/37068/chehalis_basin_board.aspx Key Activity Areas: Local Projects -- https://www.ezview.wa.gov/site/alias__1492/34489/local_projects.aspx Flood Warning System -- www.chehalisriverflood.com Chehalis Basin Strategy -- www.chehalisbasinstrategy.com ASRP -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/asrp/ CFAR -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/cfar/ Proposed Retention Project -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/proposed-project/ Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District -- https://www.chehalisriverbasinfczd.com/ State EIS (SEPA) -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/sepa-process/ Federal EIS (NEPA) -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/federal-envl-review/ Flood Retention Facility (visualization) -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=cKTejUE3WsU Skookumchuck Dam -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/skookumchuck-dam-study/ LAND -- https://chehalisbasinstrategy.com/local-actions-non-dam-alternative/ Also  Sign-Up for Email Gage Alerts – https://chehalis.onerain.com/upload/files/6a9bf8e2-f04b-4165-8a9f-ce031d5db6b4.pdf 19 of 18 6-29-2022 Ranked high flow events (1932 - 2012) . . .  I-5 closed 1990, 1996, 2007, 2009. Five largest events since 1986 -- Frequent floods are getting worse and damage is increasing . . . 100 year flood estimate -- Increased by 33% in last 30 years. 9 13 7 13 11 6 16 10 4 3 8 Chehalis River Flow Rates near Grand Mound (cubic ft./sec.) 2 12 14 1 5 30000 20000 10000 0 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 Also -- Background 20 of 18 6-29-2022 2007 Storm -- $938M Basin-wide damage, $300M lost economic activity (WA). City of Centralia STEVE RINGMAN / SEATTLE TIMES Exit 77 (I-5) in Chehalis STEVE RINGMAN / SEATTLE TIMES State Route 6, West of Adna MIKE SALSBURY / AP Photos Source: LEWIS COUNTY, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Also -- Background 21 of 18 6-29-2022