2022-07-25 Interfund ratesInterfund rates July 25, 2022 11:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Matt Jaeger, John Clark, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, Tina Hemphill, Tim Murphy, Jenn Libby-Jones, Daleyn Coleman, Doug Carey, Justin Stennick, Graham Gowing, Lee Napier, Eric Eisenberg, Sarah Hensley Guest(s): Isabel Vander Stoep Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. IT preliminary interfund rates for 2023 Matt Jaeger provided the following overview: • IT has 16 FTES, including two new positions approved in 2022 (project leader and social media liaison). • IT’s rates cover o Maintenance and Support (MS&S), which includes • Munis M&S rates • Specific M&S rates o Equipment rental and replacement (ER&R), which is collected on behalf of offices and departments to cover upcoming needs. Matt noted that each office and department is charged based on the number of supported devices they have. Matt discussed the county’s planned move to Office 365. He also outlined the county’s malware and software costs. Facilities maintenance preliminary interfund rates for 2023 John Clark provided the following overview: • Facilities employs 22 FTEs. • Facilities is responsible for maintenance and custodial services for 600,000 square feet of county-owned buildings. • Rates include o Utilities, such as water power telephone gas o Communications, phone and internet o Custodial services o Maintenance services • Budget is expected to increase $274,000 for 2023. • Facilities has openings for electricians and maintenance techs, including one to oversee the new HVAC units. The county is offering roughly $35 an hour, but the market rate is roughly $55 per hour. • The costs for two Facilities employees had been covered by American Rescue Plan Act funds but are now being covered by Facilities. Becky Butler noted that the county has not yet established cost-of-living adjustments for 2023 and that those would increase costs as well. Fleet ER&R preliminary interfund rates for 2023 Josh Metcalf provided the following overview: • Fleet oversees more than 600 vehicles countywide. • Rates cover overhead costs, equipment costs, fuel, parts, rent and utilities. • Replacement costs for 2023 are estimated at ***** • The following will need to be replaced: o Two dump trucks o Brush chipper o Street sweeper o Portable light towers o Brush cutter Motorpool preliminary interfund rates for 2023 • Sheriff’s Office has identified a need for three cars and three pickups for 2023. Three new Chargers that were pre-ordered will be outfitted for use in 2023. Five SUVs also have been ordered and are here or in transit. • Solid Waste needs a pickup, flatbed and SUV. • Roads needs to replace one 4x4. • Juvenile needs one pickup and one used passenger van. Tim Murphy said Fleet is considering a mid-year adjustment to capture increased fuel costs. Radio preliminary interfund rates for 2023 Jenn Libby-Jones provided the following overview: The county issued an RFP for services, and the lone bidder was Day Wireless. The services being provided at $20,000 per month have fallen short of expectations. Radio services would like to continue a contract with Day Wireless as a retainer only and to hire employees to provide the services. HR and self insurance preliminary interfund rates for 2023 Daleyn Coleman said HR and Risk bill their rates based on FTEs. She said she is working on a restructuring plan that should be nearly cost neutral. The group discussed the tools that will be available as OpenGov launches. Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.