2022-08-02 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update August 2, 2022 11:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Warren McLeod, Steve Wilson, Becky Butler, Nic Scott, Sandra Peck, Chelsie Wilson, Lara McRea, Daleyn Coleman Guests: None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public Comment: None Warren McLeod provided the following year-to-date statistics: • 533 total deaths year-to-date • 1 homicide • 8 suicides • 28 accidental deaths • 4 undetermined deaths • 7 deaths pending determination • 45 full autopsies • 19 external exams Warren said the increase of autopsies is due to the type of cases requiring autopsies. Warren said the Lewis County Coroner’s Office has the opportunity to purchase two vans from Twin Transit for $1 each. The first van will replace the response vehicle and the second vehicle would be used in case the first vehicle was not available for use. Warren said, the Coroner’s Office currently pays between $315-$350 per removal depending on the contracted mortuary performing the removal. Projected removal costs for the fiscal year 2023 are expected to increase $100 per removal. Warren provided a suggestion to use the Coroner’s Office to provide the removal services and using the second van for removals. This would require an increase of 8 FTEs. Warren said the vast number of cases have been covered by casual help. There is a person on FMLA. At this time the costs associated with on-call pay have increased, but are offset by the costs saved from the person on FMLA. Becky Butler said at this time, payroll costs are on par with the budget. Meeting ended at 11:58 a.m.