2022-08-03 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update August 3, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Mindy Brooks, Meja Handlen, Josh Metcalf, Gary Fredricks, Matt Jaeger, Doug Carey, Nic Scott, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Sheriff Rob Snaza, Jenn Libby- Jones, Casey Mauermann, Daleyn Coleman, Daphne Lughes, Doyle Sanford, Eric Eisenberg, Graham Gowing, Matt Thuston, Sarah Hensley, John Clark, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Doyle Sanford, Rocky Lyon (9:09 a.m.), Eric Eisenberg (9:13 a.m.), Tammy Martin, Kate Chatterton Guest(s): Several unnamed guests online, Isabel Vander Stoep, Alan Cowan, Anthony Chavez of Weyerhaeuser Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Matt Jaeger discussed a resolution to list the proposals received and vendor selected for the Office 365 Licenses and Guided Deployment Services Project. Matt said the county received three bids for the project. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve the updated Lewis County Public Works Solid Waste Utility Adopt-A-Road program. Steve Wohld discussed a resolution to select a contractor to clean and paint the exterior of the jail. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve Memorandum of Understanding HRCES2023-B between Housing Resource Center and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. Commissioner Swope said $22 million has been spent on homeless services in Lewis County over the past three years. He said Lewis County has a homeless population of 127, though he noted that the inaccuracy rate for homeless counts is estimated at 69 percent. Commissioner Swope asked that the contracts be paused to allow more time to create more accountability. Rocky Lyon joined at 9:09 a.m. The group further discussed concerns regarding funding for homeless services. Eric Eisenberg joined at 9:13 a.m. The group discussed the need for wrap-around services, especially services for mental health. Meja said she would like to hold two items: • Memorandum of Understanding HRCES2023-B between Housing Resource Center and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. • Amendment A to Memorandum of Understanding GatherShelterCM between Gather Church and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve Amendment C to Contract TSAESG-CV between The Salvation Army and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. Erik said he would like to hold the following resolutions: • Rescind the Hiring Policy and establish a Hiring Authority Policy. • Select Economic Alliance of Lewis County for Tourism Promotion and Destination Marketing Services for Lewis County. Mindy Brooks discussed a hearing to Approve amendments to Chapter 17.110 (State Environmental Policy Act) of the Lewis County. Mindy said the public has multiple comment periods, including during the notice of application, the SEPA, the Planning Commission’s hearing and the Board of County Commissioners’ hearing. Commissioner Pollock expressed concern about potentially limiting the comment period. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move two consent items, four deliberation items – the Office 365, Adopt-a-Road, jail paint and Salvation Army resolutions – and one hearing to the Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Steve Wohld said union negotiations are going well and that many of the unions have approved their contracts. Josh Metcalf provided an update on chip-seal and paint-striping work. He said he is working on agreements for the airports as well as agreements for Reynolds road. Gary Fredricks said he has returned to again serve as WSU Extension’s interim director until WSU Extension finds a replacement for Patrick Shults. Doug Carey said he will do a walk-through of the Juvenile project later in the day. Matt Jaeger said one of the outlying area shops is switching to Starlink. Becky Butler said she is working on creating ARPA contracts and updating the broadband contract with ToledoTel. She reminded the group of budget training being offered. Becky said preliminary budgets are due Sept. 12. Connie Riker said the fair schedule is being finalized and that tickets are available in person and online. She said the Little Miss Friendly finalists have been announced. Connie said rabbits won’t be at the fair due to a nearby outbreak of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease. Connie said the fair is looking for equipment – such as loaders and dozers – because Tyler Rentals is unable to donate use of its equipment as it has in years past. Rocky Lyon said Solid Waste has reopened its substation. Wednesday Workshop East Lewis County Sheriff's substation: Doug Carey said the proposal is to build a pole building to store vehicles and use a portable as office space. He identified the following estimates: • Purchase / build new pole barn: $35,000 to $50,000 plus installation and wiring, pushing the total to more than $100,000 • Purchase a new 10-by-30 building with a restroom: $77,000 plus • Replace siding on existing portable (instead of buying new unit): $10,000 Doug estimated the total cost to be between $350,000 and $450,000, including electrical and plumbing. He and Steve Wohld said a safe estimate would be $500,000 for the entire project. Doug said the structure would be a 30- by 40-foot building with roll-up doors on the three bays. He said the portable would have office space and a restroom. Doug said District Court does not have any interest is having a satellite office on the east end because those who must use the court system have indicated they perform the video conferencing option. Doug noted that the county would have to do a SEPA for the project and would have to get administrative approval due to zoning. He said he feels that the project could be completed by March. Sheriff Snaza noted that other offices and departments could use it as a meeting site, office space or parking site as needed. The commissioners directed staff to move forward with the permitting process for the project. Energy code amendment / Energy Facility Evaluation Council (EFSEC) meeting follow-up Erik Martin said introduced the discussion as follow-up regarding a proposed code amendment related to research facilities on agricultural resource lands. Erik said EFSEC has a robust process to work closely with the jurisdictions and citizens to ensure projects are mitigated. At 10:19 a.m., the commissioners announced they would take a three-minute break. The meeting resumed at 10:24 a.m. Mindy Brooks offered three options regarding resource lands: • Bring back the code amendment that was presented to the commissioners in May. • Direct the Planning Commission to revamp its proposed change. • Leave the code as-is. Commissioner Pollock noted that the law has been changed to basically allow EFSEC to supersede county authority regarding the permitting process outside of research. Anthony Chavez of Weyerhaeuser said wind energy is compatible with the use of Weyerhaeuser land. He said a wind farm would be a very small footprint on Weyerhaeuser land. He said recreation – paid permits – also would continue on Weyerhaeuser lands should wind farms be allowed. Anthony discussed the tax revenue that a wind farm would bring. Anthony noted that Scout – the company looking to do wind farm research on Weyerhaeuser land – would only be conducting research for a couple years. Commissioner Swope and Commissioner Grose directed staff to bring option 1 back before the board. Tourism promotion / consultant services: Not discussed. SW Washington Fair opening ceremonies / BOCC Business Meeting: The commissioners said they would encourage offices and directors to keep the agenda for the Aug. 16 Business Meeting as light as possible. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 a.m.