2022-08-23 Business Meeting1 LEWIS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (BOCC) Business Meeting minutes August 23, 2022 Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Pollock called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m., determined a quorum and then proceeded with the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENT Ron Mauel expressed concerns with the county’s Newaukum River project. He said a section downstream of the project has collapsed. Ron said he would be willing to pull rock off his property to help save large fir trees that are in jeopardy. Ron said he wants assurances that he will not Veterans Board member George Dodd discussed veterans’ services available locally, including emergency housing funds, electricity funds, transportation for medical appointments and the like. George voiced his support for a proposed peer-to-peer counseling program. Commissioners Swope and Grose clarified that their concerns are directed at the state and federal government, which don’t provide the funding and services veterans deserve. CONSENT ITEMS Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve minutes from the August 16, 2022, Business Meeting as well as Resolution 22-263. Commissioner Grose seconded. Resolution 22-263: Approval of warrants/claims against the various county departments. Chief accountant Grace Jimenez, representing the Auditor’s Office, said warrants 858,741 through 858,765 and 858,850 through 858,968 were issued in August for payments against the county totaling $827,543.27. She said payroll/tax deposit warrant numbered 795,918 and Automatic Deposits numbered 43,901 through 43,902 also were approved for payments against the county totaling $201.93. Grace noted a skip in sequence for warrants 858,766 through 858,849, which were issued on behalf of Special Purpose Districts. Motion passed 3-0. 2 DELIBERATION ITEMS Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Resolutions 22-264 through 22-270. Commissioner Swope seconded. Resolution 22-264: Approve an agreement with AMP Insights concerning preliminary consultant services for a water bank. Housing and Infrastructure Specialist Eric Eisenberg discussed the resolution. Eric outlined what a water bank does. He said the county is contracting with a consultant to review the county’s options regarding water rights in the area. Eric said he believes a report will be completed by the end of the year. Resolution 22-265: Amend the current 2022-2025 collective bargaining agreement between Lewis County and the Lewis County Corrections Sergeants and Lieutenant effective September 1, 2022. Interim HR / Risk Director Daleyn Coleman discussed the resolution. Daleyn said the agreement provides a 1 percent pay increase for the lieutenant position. Resolution 22-266: Amend the current 2022-2025 collective bargaining agreement between Lewis County and the Lewis County Operations Sergeants effective September 1, 2022. Interim HR / Risk Director Daleyn Coleman discussed the resolution. Daleyn said the agreement provides a 2 percent increase effective Sept. 1, 2022, and provides changes regarding payments toward the Washington Paid Family Medical Leave. Resolution 22-267: List the bids received and contractor selected for the Salzer Valley Road Rock Proposal Project, SM 20F150510535. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf said the resolution awards the bid as follows: • Item 1: Sterling Breen Crushing Inc. in the amount of $173,301.98. • Item 2: Sterling Breen Crushing Inc. in the amount of $9,499.88. • Item 3: Sterling Breen Crushing Inc. in the amount of $3,001.15. • Item 4: Good Crushing Inc. in the amount of $39,850.97. Resolution 22-268: Approve a supplemental agreement that cumulatively increases a maximum amount payable in 2022 by more than $200,000 for an active Public Works agreement. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf discussed the resolution. Josh said the county is adding task orders for two bridge replacements – Jones Road and Ferrier Road. 3 Resolution 22-269: Approve an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Lewis County and the United States Geological Service. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf discussed the resolution. Josh said the agreement is for maintenance and operation of stream gauges. Resolution 22-270: Initiate county road construction projects and assign County Road Project (CRP) numbers. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf discussed the resolution. Josh said the Annual Construction Program is being updated to include additional funding received. Motion passed 3-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS The commissioners thanked the vendors, sponsors, volunteers and staff that make the annual fair a success. Commissioner Pollock noted that the city of Winlock has voted to proceed with annexing a portion of its urban growth area (UGA). PRESS CONFERENCE No questions. ADJOURNMENT The BOCC Business Meeting adjourned at 10:34 a.m., with the next Business Meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday, August 30, 2022, in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room (Room 223). Minutes from the BOCC Business Meeting are not verbatim. The weekly Business Meeting streams live on YouTube (search for “LewisCountyWa” on YouTube or go to https://www.youtube.com/user/LewisCountyWa/featured). Video footage also is available at no charge at https://lewiscountywa.gov/offices/commissioners/bocc-meetings/. [ SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE ] 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON __________________________________ Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM, Chair __________________________________ ATTEST: Sean D. Swope, Vice Chair __________________________________ __________________________________ Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board F. Lee Grose, Commissioner