2022-08-16 Housing and infrastructureHousing and infrastructure
August 16, 2022
9:28 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Eric Eisenberg, Meja
Handlen, Nic Scott, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Lara McRea
Guest(s): An unidentified guest online
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Public comment: None.
Eric Eisenberg discussed a housing project planned for Reynolds Road in the Centralia UGA. He said the
plan is to provide housing in a three-prong split: a section for families at 80 percent of the area median
income (AMI), a section for families at 115 percent of the AMI and a section of homes at market rate.
Eric discussed funding that Reliable Enterprises would seek. He said he is suggesting that the county
provide a commitment to back-stop funding for the middle-income section of housing to help Reliable
secure the funding it needs.
Eric said he is requesting that the county commit, via letter, to fully fund the first 80 percent-AMI phase
of the Reynolds Road middle-income workforce housing project on the condition that Reliable
Enterprises seek out all available alternative sources of funding and that the county’s funding would be a
loan on terms comparable to private financing, plus an additional 1 percent additional annual interest.
The commissioners said they would revisit the topic the following week to ensure the decision is made
before the Aug. 26 deadline.
Meeting adjourned at 9:51 a.m.