2022-08-23 Budget UpdateBudget Update August 23, 2022 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Jenn Libby-Jones, Nic Scott, Lara McRea, Tammy Martin, Kate Chatterton, Steve Wohld (2:06 p.m.) Guest(s): Paul Crowner, Tim Wood, Reynaldo Rodriguez Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Budget planning: Becky Butler reminded the group that Munis and Tyler Cashiering would be off-line Sept. 9-11 to allow for upgrades. She said preliminary budgets are due Sept. 12. Becky said integration of OpenGov may delay the process slightly. She noted she is working on adjustments related to the recently-approved COLAS. Becky said she is working with the PA’s Office to on the office assistant position the commissioners approved for the group. Becky said the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee met the previous week to review organizational structures, budgets and timelines. She said she has created a fillable form offices and departments can use to request budget increases and that the preliminary budget will be presented to the BOCC Oct. 4. Becky said American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) agreements have been sent to the City of Napavine, the City of Vader, the Fox Theatre and the Roxy Theater for their review. She said the fairgrounds will need to issue an RFP for its water project and that broadband agreements have been sent to the Washington Statewide Broadband Office (WSBO) and ToledoTel for review. Title II and Title III allocation: Becky said the county has until mid-September to set its allocation for Secure Rural Schools funding. She noted that payments are divided into three distinct categories: Title I for roads and schools, Title II for projects on Federal lands, and Title III for county projects. She noted that Lewis County has not allocated any funds to Title III since 2014 because the allowed uses were so restricted. The group discussed the administrative efforts that would be required to administer grants if the county allotted funds for Title III. The commissioners said they would prefer to leave the funds allocated to Title II. Commissioner Swope made a motion to allocate the full 15 percent to Title II. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Becky discussed Timber Counties funds that will be allocated to the counties by the federal government. Meeting adjourned at 2:43 p.m.