2022-08-23 Update with WSU-WeedUpdate with WSU / Weed August 23, 2022 11:31 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, Charles Edmonson, Gary Fredricks, Pam Watson, Nic Scott, Erik Martin (11:38 a.m.) Guest(s): Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None Gary Fredricks said a job description for the Director position will be forthcoming. He is the interim director at this time. Pam Watson said there were 2,540 entries in the 4-H categories at the Southwest Washington Fair. Pam said there were over 200 animals sold at the Fair auction. Pam said the 2022 4-H year ends September 31, 2022. They will be celebrating 120 years of 4-H for 2023. Pam said 4-H will be encouraging still-life projects for future events. Charles Edmonson said his team is acquiring land use permits to survey and eradicate noxious weeds along the Chehalis River Basin within Lewis County. They are hoping to use drones to obtain information. Charles said maintaining rights-of-way within Lewis County is hard because of limited staff. Charles said partnership with landowners is crucial in maintaining tansy ragwort. Charles said his focus has been prevention and there have been community events such as site visits and two disposal days. Charles said 2.5 tons of tansy ragwort was disposed of. Charles said Mineral Lake had a follow-up study and there was no findings of the Eurasian milfoil. Charles said there was a recent finding of the noxious weed milk thistle. This will result in several years of spraying to eradicate. Meeting ended at 11:50 a.m.