2014-10-27 Board Meeting Minutes1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington, met in regular session on Monday, October 27, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Edna J. Fund, and P.W. “Bill” Schulte were in attendance. Chairman Grose determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, October 20, 2014. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 NOTICE Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve the Notice Agenda item one. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. 1. Call for Bids: The Sheriff’s Office is requesting authority to call for bids to trade approximately 46 confiscated, forfeited and unclaimed firearms in the office’s possession for Glock side arms. Bids are due to the Clerk of the Board by 4:00 p.m., on Monday, November 17, 2014. Resolution No. 14-281 Isabelle William, Sheriff’s Office, stated this Resolution is for the purpose of conducting a weapons trade. There are a total of 45 weapons. This process includes advertisement, viewing by licensed gun dealers on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of November and then receiving bids from persons showing proof of a valid Federal Firearms License for this trade. This process meets RCWs 63.40, 69.50, and 10.105 requirements. Motion Carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items two through four. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. 2. Resolution No. 14-282 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment. Chairman Grose stated this Resolution approves 235 regular warrants for a total payment against the County in the amount of $2,519,861.21. This also approves 237 Payroll/Benefits warrants dated October 20, 2014 for a total payment against the County in the amount of $215,580.00. 3. Resolution No. 14-283 Accepting a grant agreement with the WA State Military Department for the 2014-15 Emergency Management Performance Grant. 2 Sheriff Steve Mansfield, stated the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, through the WA State Military Department, provides FEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds to local jurisdictions and tribes with emergency management programs. The intent of this grant is to support the local emergency management operating budget by providing funds for program enhancements that are outside the regular budget. Lewis County Emergency Management applies annually for the EMPG grant and will receive $50,179. The contract period will run from June 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015. In the past, the grant's scope of use has allowed the County to enhance the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) equipment, purchase equipment and training for our county's first responders, and create community preparedness programs. 4. Resolution No. 14-284 Approving an inter-local agreement between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Forest Service) for land necessary for a radio service communication facility on Burley Mountain. Larry Unzelman, Real-estate Services Manager, stated the lease between the Forest Service and Lewis County executed in 2004 for land necessary for a Lewis County radio service communications facility on Burley Mountain has expired. The Forest Service has proposed a new no-cost lease scheduled to terminate December 31, 2023. The radio site remains in use by the County and is an important part of its radio operations. This resolution approves the lease and authorizes the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign the same. Motion Carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:11 a.m. on October 27, 2014. The next public meeting will be held Monday, November 3, 2014. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: F. Lee Grose, Chair Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board Edna J. Fund, Vice-Chair Lewis County Commissioners P.W. Schulte, Commissioner