2013-01-28 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 28, 2013 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, January 28, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Bill Schulte, F. Lee Grose, and Edna J. Fund were in attendance. Chairman Schulte determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Grose moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, January 14, 2013. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 NOTICE Commissioner Fund moved to approve Notice Agenda items one and two. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. 1. Call for Bids: For the 2013 Chip Rock Proposal. Bids are due to the Clerk of the Board on or before 11:00 am on February 12, 2013. Resolution No. 13-021 Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated sealed bids for the 2013 Chip Rock need to be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Lewis County Commissioners by or before 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 and will be opened on or after 11:30 on February 12, 2013. This contract will allow Lewis County to purchase Chip Rock for the 2013 3R Program. This project is listed as number one on Lewis County’s previously adopted 2013 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. This material purchase will allow Lewis County crews to complete the following work this year: • 70-miles of Chipseal on County Roads (one application of oil and chips/rock) • 5-miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST—two applications over gravel surface) Chip Rock material will be purchased under Fund 506 (Pits & Quarries) and will be charged to the appropriate County Road Project Number, Special Maintenance Number or Reimbursable Work Number as needed for the various construction / maintenance activity. Commissioner Grose stated the contractors have complained that bids are coming out late. Mr. Elsea stated the sand bid will be going out earlier this year. 2. Notice: Approving the temporary closure of a portion of Airport Road to all through traffic thru April 30, 2013. Resolution No. 13-022 Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated Resolution 12-161 approved the temporary closure of Airport Road to facilitate the reconstruction of Airport Road as part of the Louisiana Avenue to Airport Road connection project between mile posts 0.64 and 1.76. 2 The continuing project will necessitate that Airport Road between the Centralia City limits and the Chehalis City limits remain closed until 5:00 P.M., April 30, 2013 to through traffic during the period of work. The road will be open from either side up to the area of closure and there are alternate routes for detour. The Public Works Department will post the required advisory signs on both sides of the closure, and will notify 911 Communications and the local fire departments of the closure. Additionally the department will coordinate with the City of Centralia, the City of Chehalis and local businesses. Motion Carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Grose moved to approve Consent Agenda items three through eighteen. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. 3. Resolution No. 13-023 Approval of warrants for payment. Commissioner Grose stated this resolution approves 250 regular warrants in the amount of $1,104,071.21 and payroll and benefits in the amount of $237,392. 4. Resolution No. 024 Appointing a member to the Community Action Council. Commissioner Schulte stated this resolution will appoint Ron Averill to the Community Action Council until December 31, 2013 5. Resolution No. 13-018 Approving 2013 funding from Fund 159 “Auditor’s O& M” to agencies according to RCW 36.22.170(1) (A). Commissioner Grose stated that the Lewis County Historical Museum receives funding from various funds. This resolution will provide $15,000 to the Lewis County Historical Museum from Fund 159. After the Glenoma grade school was demolished, a group of citizens requested that they be allowed to use some of the product from the school to establish a living monument. They are doing this at the Glenoma Fire Station and they have requested funding for this project in the amount of $2,000 from Fund 159. This money is being funneled through a 501 (C) (3), the White Pass Country Museum. The Board will allocate $17,000 from Fund 159 “Auditor’s O & M” for historical preservation for the County. 6. Resolution No. 13-026 Approving a date for the Tax Foreclosure Sale. (Cancellation of delinquent personal property & mineral taxes from the tax collection system) Rose Bowman stated the title is incorrect and should be writing off personal property taxes. The total for these properties is around $4,000. Most taxes are very small and would cost a lot of money to track down, so the Treasurer will write these taxes off. 7. Resolution No. 13-027 Approving the County’s Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan. Amanda Migliaccio, Lewis County Auditor’s Office stated in order to satisfy Federal requirements, the Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan must be updated annually. The 3 developed rate for the 2013 fiscal year is 17.33%. This may be applied to any Federal grant or contract that provides for reimbursement of indirect costs. 8. Resolution No. 13-028 Approving the MOU between Teamsters 252 representing the Assessor’s Group, regarding Health and Welfare for 2013. Archie Smith, Human Resources stated this is for a MOU to allow for the Assessor’s group to move to Teamsters Trust Health Insurance. 9. Resolution No. 13-029 Appointment of members to the Distressed Counties Fund/Rural Economic Development Public Facilities Advisory Committee. Commissioner Grose stated this is an annual appointment to this committee. The members being appointed are: Name Represents Term Expires F. Lee Grose Lewis County 12/31/2013 Tony Ketchum City of Chehalis 12/31/2013 Ken Smith City of Vader 12/31/2013 Matt Evans Port of Centralia 12/31/2013 Beth Thames East Lewis County PDA 12/31/2013 10. Resolution No. 13-030 Declaration of certain equipment as surplus county property. Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated the items listed on Exhibit “A” are no longer useful to Lewis County. The attached list of vehicles and equipment has reached their useful life and has been replaced with new ones. Local government agencies will be offered the surplus property at wholesale prices, and the remainder will be sent to Ritchie Bros Auction in March, 2013. Commissioner Schulte asked how employees are able to bid on these. Mr. Elsea stated that if an employee has decision making authority on the equipment being surplused, they cannot bid on them 11. Resolution No. 13-031 Authorizing the purchase of one new 90,000 lbs. lifting hoist. Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated the Central shop heavy duty repair facility, fleet division of the Lewis County Department of Public Works has expressed a need for a vehicle hoist that is capable of lifting heavy duty trucks and heavy duty off-road equipment. A 90,000 lbs. vehicle hoist was scheduled, budgeted, and approved for purchase in the year 2013. ARI Hetra offers heavy duty lifting systems through the Washington State contract (06405) for $57,250.31, which Lewis County has an interlocal agreement with (Resolution 12-407). Central shop would need three 480-volt receptacles (with safety interlock disconnects) wired to accommodate the hoist. The Lewis county Facilities division solicited bids from all the electrical contractors on the small works roster, and Travers Electric was the lowest responsive bidder at $6,042.19. 4 This resolution will authorize the Lewis County Director of Public Works to sign a contract between ARI Hetra/ Travers Electric and Lewis County for the purchase of one new 90,000 lbs. lifting hoist in the amount of $63,292.50. 12. Resolution No. 13-032 Authorizing the purchase of two (2) new John Deere tractor brush cutters. Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated the Maintenance & Operations division of the Lewis County Public Works Department has determined that two tractor brush cutters (V-82 – 2001 New Holland tractor with 4,900 hours and V-87 – 2001 New Holland tractor with 4,100 hours) in the fleet are in need of replacement and are scheduled, budgeted, and approved for replacement in the year 2013. Washington Tractor Inc. offers a tractor brush cutter through the Washington State contract (08506), which Lewis County has, an interlocal agreement with (Resolution 12-407). Lewis County has reached an agreement with Washington Tractor Inc. for two 2013 tractor brush cutters that meet our needs. This resolution will authorize the Director of Public Works for Lewis County to sign a contract between Washington Tractor Inc. and Lewis County for the purchase of two 2013 John Deere tractor brush cutters in the amount of $297,392.78. 13. Resolution No. 13-033 Authorizing the purchase of two (2) new chemical spray tank systems. 14. Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated the Maintenance & Operations division of the Lewis County Public Works Department has determined that two chemical spray trucks (V-27 and V- 31) in the fleet are in need of replacement and are scheduled, budgeted, and approved for replacement in the year 2013. King county has an open contract with Norstar Industries (expires April 2013) and has provided to Lewis county a copy of their Invitation to Bid, Bid Tabulation, and their Bid advertising. Lewis County has an interlocal agreement with King County (resolution 95-244), and has reached an agreement with Norstar Industries for two 2013 chemical spray tank systems that meet our needs. This resolution will authorize the Director of Public Works for Lewis County to sign a contract between Norstar Industries and Lewis County for the purchase of two 2013 chemical spray tank systems in the amount of $162,719.19. 15. Resolution No. 13-034 Authorizing the purchase of two (2) new chemical spray truck chassis. Tim Elsea, Public Works Director stated the Maintenance & Operations division of the Lewis County Public Works Department has determined that two chemical spray trucks (V-27 and V- 31) in the fleet are in need of replacement and were scheduled, budgeted, and approved for replacement in the year 2013. Columbia Ford offers a medium duty truck chassis through the Washington State contract (08506), which Lewis County has, an interlocal agreement with (Resolution 95-464). Lewis County has reached an agreement with Columbia Ford for two 2013 truck chassis that meet our needs. 5 This resolution will authorize the Director of Public Works for Lewis County to sign a contract between Columbia Ford and Lewis County for the purchase of two 2013 Ford truck chassis in the amount of $101,809.71. Commissioner Grose stated the money to purchase equipment comes out of the ER& R fund. This is money that is set aside to replace equipment and is not coming out of the Current Expense Budget. Mr. Elsea stated that departments ER &R funds pay for equipment replacement. 16. Resolution No. 13-035 Appointment of a member to the Southwest Washington Fair Commission. 17. Michael Strozyk, Central Services Director stated that Richard Debolt has resigned from the Fair Commission. This resolution will appoint Dan Rich to fill the unexpired term of Richard Debolt. 18. Resolution No. 13-036 Approving an inter-local agreement with Lewis County Fire District No. 10 (Packwood) for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Central Services Director stated this is the standard agreement and allows the IT Department to work on the fire departments computers. This contract will specifically work on Spillman. The minimum annual rate is $110 which includes two hours of labor. Each additional hour will be billed at a rate of $55 per hour during normal business hours, after hours will be billed at $80 per hour. Payment for services shall be made monthly and will be due by the fifteenth working day of the month following the month of service. 19. Resolution No. 13-037 Approving an inter-local agreement with Lewis County Fire District No. 4 (Morton) for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Central Services Director stated this is the identical agreement as Resolution No. 13-037. 20. Resolution No. 13-038 Ratifying a resolution with the Army Corps of Engineers for flood emergency assistance on the Salzer Creek Levee. Michael Strozyk, Central Services Director stated this is a Resolution to ratify the Board of County Commissioners signature on an Army Corps of Engineers “Request for Flood Emergency Assistance” a resolution that was signed in an open meeting by the Board of County Commissioners on January 16, 2013, and authorizes the Director of Central Services to enter into agreements in the future of the Resolution with the Army Corps of Engineers. Motion Carried 3-0 HEARING Hearing: Non-exclusive franchise to Lakeview Terrace Water Group 6 Chairman Schulte announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Larry Unzelman, Real-estate Services Manager, stated the Lakeview Terrace Water Group has requested a franchise for the construction, operation and maintenance of water facilities on all county roads within Lakeview Terrace Addition and Second Lakeview Terrace Addition. This franchise would replace the existing franchise scheduled to expire on February 10, 2013. The franchise is proposed for a five year term. This resolution will set January 28, 2013 as the date for hearing on the franchise and call for required postings and publications by RCW 36.55.040. Chairman Schulte stated that when franchises are being renewed the new terms are being set for five years. This allows for better tracking of franchises. Chairman Schulte asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Larry Unzelman asked that is prior comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Schulte asked if there was anyone who wished to speak for or against Resolution No. 13-039. There were none. He asked for a motion to approve. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve Resolution No. 13-039. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 Hearing: Non-exclusive franchise to Lightspeed Networks Inc. Chairman Schulte announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Larry Unzelman, Real Estate Services Manager, stated LightSpeed, Inc. has requested a franchise for the construction, operation and maintenance of a fiber optic network on various county road rights of way in Lewis County. The Company currently operates in Oregon and plans to expand its fiber optic network into Washington. The Company provides network services to State and local governments, schools, hospitals, wholesale opportunities, and businesses. The specific roads requested for use are identified in the franchise document and include portions of Big Hanaford Road, Reynolds Ave, Harrison Ave, Jackson Hwy, Forest Napavine Rd E, Frost Road, Henriot Road, Jackson Highway S., Rupp Road, Mandy Road, and S. Military Road. A map is also attached to the franchise document indicating the road segments requested for use. Commissioner Grose asked if other companies would be able to use the franchise since it was a nonexclusive franchise. Mr. Unzelman stated that was correct. Commissioner Fund asked if there was a possibility for other companies to request another franchise. Mr. Unzelman stated we are getting more applications for franchises for fiber optic as time goes along. 7 Ron Averill, Centralia, WA asked if this fiber optic was a trunk line or is it indicated that is serves specific people on the route. Mr. Unzelman stated this is a continuous link from north to south through the county that would be available for service lines to connect. Ron Averill stated that PUD already does this in the area of this franchise. Was this checked to see if there were any conflicts in what PUD is providing and what Lightspeed Inc. will be providing? Mr. Unzelman stated this is a nonexclusive franchise that we are granting so an overlap between the two providers would not be conflicting. Ron Averill stated his understanding of nonexclusive is not just fiber optic but anyone that wants to use the poles for something is what the nonexclusive applies to. Larry Unzelman stated yes, it would allow us to grant to various utilities for various uses. Chairman Schulte asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Mr. Unzelman asked that his prior comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Schulte asked if there was anyone who would like to speak for or against Resolution No. 13-040. There was no one. He closed the hearing and asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 13-040 Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Resolution No. 13-040. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:43 am on January 28, 2013. The next public meeting will be held Monday, February 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: P.W. Schulte, Chairman Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board F. Lee Grose, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners Edna J. Fund, Commissioner