2013-02-25 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 25, 2013 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, February 25, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Bill Schulte and Edna J. Fund were in attendance. Commissioner F. Lee Grose was absent. Chairman Schulte determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Fund moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, February 11, 2013. Chairman Schulte seconded the motion. Motion Carried 2-0 PUBLIC COMMENT Susanne Sincock, Evergreen Playhouse, stated the Evergreen Playhouse is having a special event on Saturday March 2, 2013 from 6:30 to 7:30 honoring our founders and their families. The Evergreen Playhouse was started in 1959 by a group of Lewis County Citizens. We are the second oldest community theater in the State of Washington. NOTICE Commissioner Fund moved to approve Notice Agenda items one and two. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. 1. Request for Proposals: Regarding groundwater monitoring services at Lewis County Road Central Shop and Mossyrock Police Station. Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m., on March 11, 2013 to the Lewis County Public Works Department. Resolution No. 13-054 Tim Elsea, Public Works Director, stated the Request for Proposals (RFP) is to perform groundwater quality monitoring at Road Central Shop and Mossyrock Police Station. Lewis County completed remediation work at the Road Central Shop and former Maintenance Shop at Mossyrock (currently the Mossyrock Police Station) sites, and accepted funding from the State Department of Ecology pursuant to Resolutions 09-337 and 06-278. Ecology requires compliance groundwater quality monitoring and well decommissioning at these sites. This RFP is issued to solicit for groundwater quality monitoring and well decommissioning services through 2014. 2. Notice: Regarding the publishing of the Small Works Roster and approval of the Public Works Director as approving authority for category changes. Resolution No. 13-055 2 Tim Elsea, Public Works Director, stated this notice publishes the Small Works Roster for Lewis County. The attached resolution will allow opening the Small Works Roster to obtain applications from businesses interested in having their business placed on one or more of the rosters. The Small Works Roster allows the County and agencies holding interlocal agreements to contract with contractors on the established list for projects less than $300,000.00. Agencies currently holding interlocal agreements are Lewis County Conservation District, Lewis County Fire District #1(Onalaska), Lewis County Fire District #2 (Toledo), Lewis County Fire Dist. #8 (Salkum), Lewis County Fire Dist. #11 (Pe Ell), Lewis County Fire Dist. #14 (Randle), Lewis County Fire Dist. #15 (Winlock), Cowlitz-Lewis County Fire Dist. #20 (Vader-Ryderwood), Lewis County Water District #1(Onalaska) and the Chehalis-Centralia Airport. The Small Works Roster will remain open per RCW 39.04.155. Motion Carried 2-0 CONSENT Commissioner Fund moved to approve Consent Agenda items three through fifteen. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. 3. Resolution No. 13-056 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment. Commissioner Fund stated this approves warrants 663551-663599, 663639-663861, 664119-664164, 664389-664411 (for a total of 340 regular warrants) be approved for a total payment against the County in the amount of $770,191.23. Payroll/Benefits, auto- deposits and warrants 663862-664118 dated February 15, 2013 (for a total of 256 Net Pay warrants) be approved for a total payment against the County in the amount of $236,892.00. 4. Resolution No. 13-057 Approving the inventory of Capitalized Assets. Amanda Migliaccio, Auditors Office stated this Resolution is to fulfill the requirements set forth by RCW 36.32.210 which requires that the Board of County Commissioners file with the Auditor a statement verified by oath showing a full and complete inventory of all Capitalized Assets of the County for a 12-month period ending December 31st of the preceding year. 5. Resolution No. 13-058 Reappointment of a member to the Timberland Regional Support Network Advisory Board. Danette York, Director of Public Health and Social Services, stated this Resolution is for the reappointment of Steven C. Clark to the Timberland Regional Support Network Advisory Board for the period of two years ending January 2015. This will be Mr. Clark’s second term, and he is currently serving as the Vice Chair. With this appointment, Lewis 3 County will continue to have an individual on the Advisory Board representing the voice of persons with mental disorders and their families. 6. Resolution No. 13-059 Approving the 2012 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Teamsters 252 representing E911 Communication and Lewis County. Archie Smith, Human Resources, stated the Teamster Local #252 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) representing E911 Communications Employees is being presented for approval by the BOCC. The CBA is a one-year agreement for the time period of 01/01/12 to 12/31/12. The Union agrees to accept the new payroll language for transition into the new financial system. Effective July 1, 2012, the County proposes an increase of the monthly employer contribution from $835 per employee per month no not to exceed $865.88 per month per employee. The CBA contains no established COLA for 2012. However, the CBA does include a “me too” clause tied to the non- represented employees of Lewis County. 7. Resolution No. 13-060 Approving an interlocal between Lewis County and the City of Chehalis for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated this agreement is for the Lewis County Information Technology (IT) department to maintain the Spillman System for various entities that we serve in the Communications Center. This agreement is for the City of Chehalis. This is a two-year agreement and due to the amount of equipment that the City has, it is beneficial to both parties to set a flat rate. For 2013, the City of Chehalis will pay the IT Department a rate of $5,940.00. This rate is derived from a per piece of equipment charge that we have assessed. 8. Resolution No. 13-061 Approving an interlocal between Lewis County and Riverside Fire Authority for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated this is a two-year agreement with the Riverside Fire Authority with a lump sum payment of $7,020.00. These charges will be reviewed at the end of the year and will be adjusted for 2014. 9. Resolution No. 13-062 Approving an interlocal between Lewis County and the Lewis County Fire District No. 3 (Mossyrock) for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated this is an agreement with Lewis County Fire District #3 in Mossyrock. This is a standard agreement with a $55.00 per hour fee with a $110.00 minimum annual fee and a $80.00 per hour after hour fee. 4 10. Resolution No. 13-063 Approving an interlocal between Lewis County and the Lewis County Fire District No. 5 (Napavine) for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated this is an agreement with the Lewis County Fire District #5 and is a two-year agreement. This is a flat fee agreement in the amount of $6,540.00. This fee will be re-looked at and adjusted for 2014. 11. Resolution No. 13-064 Approving an interlocal between Lewis County and Lewis County Fire District No. 8 (Salkum) for Radio Service. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated this agreement is at the request of the Salkum Fire Department to assist them in radio service repair and maintenance. This is a one-year agreement with a rate of $50.00 per hour for normal business hours and is $75.00 per hour for after hour calls. This agreement expires at the end of 2013. 12. Resolution No. 13-065 Authorizing the sale of one surplus vehicle to Pe Ell School District. Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works stated this Resolution would authorize the sale of one Lewis County surplus vehicle to the Pe Ell School District. The attached vehicle listed in Exhibit “A” was declared surplus by Resolution 13-030 on January 28, 2013. Lewis County cities and agencies were offered the opportunity to purchase our surplus vehicles at wholesale prices and the Pe Ell school district has expressed interest in purchasing vehicle 5-08 (1995 Ford F-150 2-wd with 150,000 miles) in the amount of $1,500. Lewis County ordinance 1154A allows for the transfer or sale of surplus property to another governmental agency or qualifying non-profit, and such sale to the Pe Ell school district would be a benefit to the citizens of Lewis County. Approve the sale of vehicle 5-08 listed in Exhibit “A” to the Pe Ell School District in the amount of $1,500.00 13. Resolution No. 13-066 Approving a Title VI Non-Discrimination Agreement with WSDOT. Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this Resolution would approve a Title VI Non-Discrimination Agreement with WSDOT which is required by the Code of Federal Regulation for all local agencies in receipt of federal transportation funds. The federal government requires each local agency that receives federal funds to establish a Title VI Non-Discrimination Program (49 CFR Part 21 and 23 CFR 200). Lewis County established this program with the Washington State Department of Transportation under Resolution No. 06-061 on February 13, 2006. WSDOT requires a new agreement signed when there are changes to our signatories, such as the change of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Approval of the attached resolution will authorize the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to sign the Title VI Non- 5 Discrimination Agreement. This action will allow staff to prepare all necessary reports to keep Lewis County in compliance with the Title VI Non-Discrimination program established with the Washington State Department of Transportation. 14. Resolution No. 13-067 Approving an interlocal between Lewis County Public Works and Cemetery District No. 1 (Winlock). Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated Consent of the Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County Public Works and Cemetery District #1 (Winlock). This Resolution would authorize an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County Public Works and Cemetery District No. 1 (Winlock) REDUNDANT?. Cemetery District #1 (Winlock) has requested assistance in repairing the Cemetery's flagpole, on the District's premises. The District agrees to reimburse the Public Works Department of the County for all work done, based upon the actual cost of labor, equipment rental, and materials, provided this work does not interrupt or interfere with the County Road Division’s regular schedule. BOCC authorization for Tim Elsea, Public Works Director, to sign the Interlocal Agreement in response to Cemetery District #1's request. 15. Resolution No. 13-068 Bid award for the 2013 Chip Rock Proposal Project. Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this resolution will award the 2013 Chip Rock Proposal to Sterling Breen Crushing. This project is listed as Priority No. 1 on Lewis County’s 2013 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. This contract will allow Lewis County to purchase Crushed Screenings for the 2013 3R Program. This material purchase will be used for surfacing approximately 5-miles of roadway following Lewis County's Cement Treated Base (CTB) reconstruction on portions of Kruger Rd., Damron Rd., Middle Fork Rd., Peters Rd. and Cline Rd. Additionally, this material will be used to complete approximately 75- miles of chip seal throughout the County. A Call for Bids was made on January 28, 2013. The project was advertised for two consecutive weeks in the East County Journal and The Chronicle. The project was also listed on Lewis County’s website. Public Works received 3 responsive bids for this project on February 12, 2013. Sterling Breen Crushing, Chehalis, WA, provided the lowest responsive bid of $179,029.93 (total for Schedule A and B). The Engineer’s Estimate for this material supply was $160,213.65. The lowest responsive bid is 11.7% over the Engineer's Estimate. Due to the current bidding climate, limited availability and production time needed, Public Works staff recommends acceptance of the low bid provided by Sterling Breen Crushing. Resolution approval will award this contract to Sterling Breen Crushing for $179,029.93, upon presentation of a contract acceptable to Lewis County, for the 2013 Gravel Proposal Project and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the same. Motion Carried 2-0 HEARING HEARING: 6th 2012 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Various Fund 6 Chairman Schulte announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Dawna Truman, Budget Director, stated the 6th 2012 budget amendment has been published in the East County Journal on February 13th and 20th. A more detailed description of each change is available in the budget office. The total budget amendment for all funds was originally noticed at revenue increase $18,075, expenditures increased $99,100, and a decrease in fund balance of $81,025.00. The change in fund balance uses previously received revenue that was not originally appropriated in the 2012 budget. The final amendment is revenue increased $88,816.00, expenditures increased $180,582.00, and a decrease in fund balance of $91,766.00. The County has over 50 funds and this amendment affect five of them. The total current expense portion of this amendment has no change in revenue, increase in expenditure $76,741.00, and a decrease in fund balance by $76,741.00. Chairman Schulte asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Dawna Truman asked that her previous comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Schulte asked if there was anyone who wished to speak for or against Resolution No. 13-069. There were none. He asked for a motion to approve. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve Vacation No. 13-069. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Lewis County 2012 Budget, Emergency and Supplemental Appropriations to and Transfers within Current Expense and Various Funds. Resolution 13-069. Motion Carried 2-0 Hearing: Adoption of Ordinance 1243 repealing LCC 16.02.040 (8) language and substitute with new language. Chairman Schulte announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Lynn Deitrick, Community Development, stated Adoption of Ordinance 1243 repealing LCC 16.02.040(8) “Boundary Line Adjustment” language and substituting new language to address Lewis County Public Health and Social Services concerns. Additional clarification language has been added to describe recording requirements. Currently the existing language notes that there may be a review by the Department (LCC16.02.040(8)(v)). The new language proposes that there shall be a review by the Department when there are known well’s and/or septic systems on the subject site. After a duly advertised public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted a set of findings and conclusions and transmitted their recommendation to approve the amendment to the BOCC. 7 Chairman Schulte asked regarding the existing code. There is information in there that said all newly configured lots must comply with applicable standards for sewage disposal and proof of compliance was required as a form of site approval and similar approval. We already had something in the old code so is this just clarifying it? What was driving the change of this code? Lynn Deitrick stated there was also other language in the current boundary line adjustment requirements that said they may be reviewed for those types of structures so this change is clarifying that language to make it clearer when the Health Department will be reviewing. Ron Averill, Centralia, stated asked if most of the changes were changing the word may to shall? Lynn Deitrick stated that is correct but we also changed what the applicant has to do after it is recorded. Many times in the past it was thought that the boundary line adjustment recording was their approval and they wouldn’t go and transfer the property. So this was clarity in there. Chairman Schulte asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Lynn Deitrick asked that his previous comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Schulte asked if there was anyone who wished to speak for or against Ordinance No. 1243. There were none. He asked for a motion to approve. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1243. Chairman Schulte seconded the motion. An Ordinance Repealing LCC 16.02.040 (8) Language of County Code and Substitute New Language for Boundary Line Adjustment. Motion Carried 2-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:40 am on February 25, 2013. The next public meeting will be held Monday, March 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 8 LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: P.W. Schulte, Chairman Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board F. Lee Grose, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners Edna J. Fund, Commissioner