2013-04-01 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 1, 2013 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, April 1, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Bill Schulte, F. Lee Grose, and Edna J. Fund were in attendance. Chairman Schulte determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Fund moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, March 25, 2013. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 PROCLAMATION 1. Proclamation: Proclaiming the month of April as National County Government Month. Commissioner Grose moved to approve the proclamation. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Commissioner Fund read the proclamation regarding National County Government Month into the record. Commissioner Grose stated we have become much more involved in county government over the past six years. As such we are more directly contacted in changes in laws that are happening. This is an important part of the Commissioners job to recognize national items such as this proclamation. Commissioner Fund went over the Open House that will be happening on April 23, between 2:30 and 4:30 pm in the Lewis County Historical Buildings foyers. Motion carried 3-0 NOTICE Commissioner Fund moved to approve Notice Agenda item one. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. 2. Notice of Hearing: Regarding the adoption of Ordinance 1244 moving a county code regarding Open Space from Title 17 to Title 3. Hearing will be held on or after 10:00 a.m., on April 15, 2013. Resolution No. 13-103 Diane Dorey, Assessor’s Office, stated in the 2010 language was removed from the Open Space Chapter in the Lewis County Code, limiting the time land could be classified as Open Space Farm and Agricultural Land. This change was made at the direction of the Department of Revenue, based on a legal interpretation at that time. The 2 Department of Revenue has since determined that counties indeed have the right to set time limitations. This change will reinstitute the ten-year limitation in Lewis County. This Ordinance will also move the Open Space language into the Revenue and Finance Chapter of the Lewis County Code. . Commissioner Grose stated this is a notice to the public stating we will be holding this hearing on these changes. The public can come forward at that time to make comments. Ms. Dorey stated there are no changes, just moving from one chapter to another and limiting the number of years citizens can be in the Open Space program. Motion carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items three through seven. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. 3. Resolution No. 13-104 Approval of warrants for payment. Commissioner Grose stated this resolution will approve 295 regular warrants and two special purpose district warrants for a total against the County in the amount of $686.345.48. 4. Resolution No. 13-105 Approving a preliminary plat extension for Holloway Springs Phase III. Lee Napier, Community Development, stated this resolution will approve the one (1) year extension request from Jeff Pantier of Hatton, Godat, and Pantier pursuant to Lewis County Code (LCC) Chapter 16.05.140(3) for the Preliminary Plat of Holloway Springs Phase III. The Preliminary Plat of Holloway Springs Phase III received approval on June 5, 2006 pursuant to Senate House Bill 6544 legislation; the approval period was extended from five (5) years to seven (7) years. As a result, the preliminary plat approval expiration of Holloway Springs Phase III was extended to June 5, 2013. The property is located southeast of the City of Chehalis on Rush Road within the city’s Urban Growth Area (UGA). The subdivision is required to meet the City of Chehalis design standards for access, utilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, hydrants, lighting and landscaping. When Phase III is submitted for final approval, the City of Chehalis will be a reviewing agency. 5. Resolution No. 13-106 Ratifying an inter-local agreement in response to the City of Mossyrock’s request. Tim Elsea, Public Works, stated the City of Mossyrock secured $62,400.00 in Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funding to improve Court Street. The City lacks manpower and equipment to complete this work and has requested Lewis County 3 add this work to our 2013 Countywide 3R Program. Typically, increasing quantities of already planned Lewis County work will lower unit bid prices for both agencies. Pursuant to authority of RCW 39.34.080 and in conformance with RCW 43.09.210, this resolution will enter the City of Mossyrock and Lewis County into an interlocal agreement that allows work to be performed for the City of Mossyrock in conjunction with the County’s 2013 Countywide 3R Program. Last year Public Works had to go out to bid for this work. This year they can use those bids to do this work. 6. Resolution No. 13-107 Ratifying a contract for an On Call Consultant for Ceres Hill Road Bridge No. 102, Reach Analysis and Mitigation. Tim Elsea, Public Works, stated pursuant to On-Call Roster Resolution 11-025 requirements, the 21 firms on the consultant roster listed for the Hydrology, Hydraulic and Geomorphology Analysis category were contacted on November 29, 2012. Two additional firms, AquaTierra Land and Water Services, Inc. and Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, were also provided copies of the request for proposal, as requested. Of the 23 firms contacted only HDJ Design Group (teaming with West Consultants, Inc and GeoDesign, Inc.) and Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) submitted proposals. Individual scoring of the proposals was conducted and it was the recommendation of the selection committee that a contract be negotiated with Northwest Hydraulics Consultants, Inc. As per Resolution 11-437, Department Directors have authority to execute contracts under $150,000.00 with ratification by the BOCC. A contract was negotiated and executed with Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. on February 15, 2013. This contract provides for a reach analysis, 30% design options for permanent bank stability projects upstream of the Ceres Hill Bridge, bridge pier protection 100% design plans, and mitigation design for emergency work completed in 2012, total consultant costs not to exceed $94,953.00 with completion by December 31, 2013. Ratification is now requested to fulfill Resolution 11-437 requirements. 7. Resolution No. 13-108 Approving a quit claim deed by and between Lewis County and Ray A. and Jacqueline L. Arnold Living Trust for property located off Ray Road near Toledo. Tim Elsea, Public Works, stated Resolution 09-171, passed by the Board of County Commissioners on June 8, 2009, declared the intent of the Board to sell the property in conformance with LCC 3.30 and instructed the Public Works Department to examine the property, make recommendation as to whether the property was surplus to the county’s needs and if so, determine the minimum bid amount report the findings to the board. Resolution 13-015, passed by the Board of County Commissioners on January 14, 2013, called for sealed bids for the proposed sale of surplus property located off Ray Road near Toledo, to be opened on February 12, 2013. One bid was received in the amount of $10,100.00 by Ray A. Arnold, of 140 Ray Road, Toledo, WA. All conditions have now been met and the $10,100 has been paid to Lewis County in the form of a cashier’s check. The attached resolution would approve the transfer of 4 property located off Ray Road, near Toledo by Quitclaim Deed from Lewis County to Ray A. and Jacqueline L. Arnold Living Trust. Motion Carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:23 am on April 1, 2013. The next public meeting will be held Monday, April 8, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: P.W. Schulte, Chairman Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board F. Lee Grose, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners Edna J. Fund, Commissioner