2013-04-13 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 22, 2013 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, April 22, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Bill Schulte, F. Lee Grose, and Edna J. Fund were in attendance. Chairman Schulte determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Grose moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, April 15, 2013. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 PROCLAMATION Commissioner Fund moved to approve Proclamation Agenda item one. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Commissioner Grose read the proclamation into the record. 1. Proclamation: Declaring the month of May as “Mental Health Month”. Tara Smith, Social Services, introduce Mr. & Mrs. Wallace who are here to talk about the National Alliance of Mentally ill and our local chapter. Mr. Klaus Wallace, thanked the BOCC for the proclamation and having them this morning. He spoke about the National Alliance of Mentally ill and what we do in Lewis County. People living with mental illness need help and hope. They need a community that supports them, their families, and their recovery. The Lewis County chapter meets two times per month at the Chehalis Library. The first Tuesday of the month we meet at 6:00 pm for an educational support meeting. The family support group meets every third Tuesday. The connection recovery support meets every Tuesday at 5:30 pm at the Twin City Senior Center. For the month of May we have a special program at 6:00 pm on Tuesday May 7th called “In our own Voice”. Motion Carried 3-0 NOTICE Commissioner Grose moved to approve Notice Agenda item two. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. 2. Notice of Hearing: Regarding the assessment of the project performance of the CDBG grant to fund the Vader Enchanted Valley water system improvements. Hearing will be held on or after 10:00 am, on Monday, May 6, 2013. Resolution No. 13-229 2 Rod Lakey, Public Works, stated this resolution is to give notice of a public hearing on May 6, 2013 to assess project performance of the Vader-Enchanted Valley water system improvement project partially funded with CDBG funding. A public hearing on project performance is required as part of the project closeout. An on-site monitoring of the contract was conducted by the CDBG Project Manager on January 24, 2013. Lewis County received a summary of satisfactory findings on February 28, 2013. The next step is to conduct a public hearing. Motion carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items three through eight. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. 3. Resolution No. 13-230 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment. Commissioner Grose stated this Resolution approves 213 regular warrants in the amount of $391,782.91 and 11 special purpose warrants in the amount of $16,432.00 for a total payment against the County in the amount of $408,214.91. This Resolution also approves 253 Payroll warrants dated April 19, 2013 for a total payment against the County in the amount of $231,790.00. 4. Resolution No. 13-231 Appointment of a member to the Lewis County Board of Equalization. Commissioner Grose stated this Resolution appoints Thomas Lerchen of Packwood to the Board of Equalization for a term ending June 30, 2015. 5. Resolution No. 13-232 Cancellation of warrants. Commissioner Grose stated there are two warrants to be cancelled that will be reissued. • Cenex in the amount of $20,844.19 • Metrocall-USA Mobility in the amount of $738.00 6. Resolution No. 12-233 Proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Leudinghaus Bridge. Larry Unzelman, Public Works, stated construction of a new Leudinghaus bridge is planned, to replace the bridge washed out in the 2007 flood. This project will require additional road right of way. At this time right of way plans have not been completed. Acquisition from one property owner (Wrzesinski) at the present time would move the County closer to being ready for the bridge replacement project. The attached resolution would grant authority to the Public Works Department to acquire the necessary additional right of way from Lance and Jo Ann Wrzesinski for the bridge replacement 3 project. Procedures for acquiring necessary right of way, adopted by Resolution 09-381, will be followed. 7. Resolution No. 13-234 Establishment of a Wellness Committee. Danette York, Director of Public Works, stated the purpose of this Resolution is to formally re-establish a County Wellness Committee to promote wellness practices within the County Government agencies. The committee will meet regularly to plan promotion activities such as health screening, making healthy lifestyle choices, and recommendations that foster wellness in the workplace. 8. Resolution No. 13-235 Approving an agreement with Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties. Danette York, Director of Public Works, stated Lewis County has been requested to serve as the recipient of the 2013 CDBG Public Service Grant. The Washington State Department of Commerce is authorized by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide funds to units of local government selected to undertake and carry out certain activities and projects under the WA State CDBG Program. Lewis County is contracting with CAC to accomplish the Scope of Work and objectives of the local CDBG project. Motion Carried 3-0 HEARING HEARING: Community Development Block Grant public participation Chairman Schulte announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Danette York, Public Health & Social Services Director, stated with me today is John Walsh, Director of The Lewis, Mason, Thurston Community Action Council; and Colonel and former Lewis County Commissioner, Ron Averill who represents Lewis County on the CAC Board. There are Community Development Block Grant Program handouts available at the front of the room. There is a fact sheet and a citizen participation requirement form, both are available in English and Spanish, and the public is welcome to take one. More copies will be made available if there are not enough. Public hearing for the purpose of reviewing community development and housing needs, informing citizens of the availability of funds and the eligible uses of those funds from the State Public Services Community Development Block Grant, and receiving comments on proposed activities particularly from lower income persons residing in the Lewis County area. The Hearing notice was published on April 10, 2013 in the East County Journal and on April 11, 2013 in The Chronicle. Lewis County has submitted an application to be recipient of the 2013 CDBG Public Services grant. The total grant award is for $93, 971 – of that total $3,000 will be retained by Lewis County to cover administrative costs. 4 Lewis County will contract with the Lewis, Mason, and Thurston CAC for the remaining $90,971. In the past Thurston County has served as the recipient of these funds and contracted with CAC for the funds to be used in all three counties. This is the first year that Thurston County is ineligible to serve as the recipient due to population size so we agreed to serve as the recipient and the funds will be used only in Lewis and Mason counties. I will now turn it over to Colonel Averill for a brief explanation of how the grant funds are used to benefit the citizens of Lewis County Colonel Ron Averill, CAC, explained what the CAC does for Lewis County. This grant is a small grant that is used for a number of things. John Walsh, CEO CAC explained the services that this grant will provide. Commissioner Grose stated this is a small portion of the CAC budget. Chairman Schulte asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Danette York, Colonel Ron Averill, and John Walsh asked that their previous comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Schulte asked if there was any public testimony. There were none. He closed the formal hearing. HEARING: 2013 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Various Funds Chairman Schulte announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Dawna Truman, Budget Director, stated the 1st 2013 budget amendment has been published in the East County Journal on April 10th and 17th, 2013. She then summarized the changes affected by this budget amendment resolution. CURRENT EXPENSE: Revenue: $46,878 Expenditures: $140,116 Change in Fund balance: $(93,238) OTHER FUNDS: Revenue: $3,576,385 Expenditures: $4,150,351 Change in Fund balance: $(573,966) ALL FUNDS: NOTICED AMOUNT REVENUE: $3,428,535 5 EXPENDITURES: $3,864,349 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE: $(435,814) Exp/Rev Change Fund/Dept. # Fund/Dept. Name Reason for the change E $3,671 001-110 Prosecutor Increase for sick and vacation payout E $16,000 001-201 Sheriff Increase for sick and vacation payout R $6,002 001-107 Clerk Increased revenue from AOC E $10,995 001-107 Clerk Increase for sick and vacation and IT equipment purchase R $188,726 501 ER&R Increase revenue for transfer in from fund 505 E $188,726 501 ER&R Increase expenditures for equipment replacement cost E $188,726 505 Risk Increase transfer out to Fund 501 from Auto Physical fund balance E $18,000 198 Stadium Increase expenditures for an approved project at the LC Museum ALL FUNDS: FINAL AMOUNT REVENUE: $3,623,263 EXPENDITURES: $4,290,467 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE: $(667,204) Chairman Schulte asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Dawna Truman asked that her previous comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Schulte asked if there was anyone who wished to speak for or against Resolution No. 13-236. There were none. He asked for a motion to approve. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Resolution No. 13-236 Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Resolution No. 13-236 Lewis County 2013 Budget, Emergency and Supplemental Appropriations to and Transfers within Current Expense and Various Funds. Motion Carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:41 am on April 22, 2013. The next public meeting will be held Monday, April 29, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. 6 Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: P.W. Schulte, Chairman Karri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board F. Lee Grose, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners Edna J. Fund, Commissioner