2012-06-25 Board Meeting Minutes 1
June 25, 2012
The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular
session on Monday, June 25, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Bill
Schulte and Ron Averill in attendance. Chairman Grose determined a quorum, called
the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Averill moved
to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, June 18, 2012.
Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion.
Motion Carried 3-0
Commissioner Schulte moved to approve Notice Agenda item one. Commissioner
Averill seconded the motion. Lorraine Elsea read the item into the record.
1. Notice: Pertaining to competitive bidding dispensing with advertisement
and advertisement of Lewis County Vendor List and Solicitation.
Resolution No. 12-214.
Commissioner Averill explained this is the follow up to the policy passed last week on
competitive bidding under $25,000.00. The RCW requires that the County advertise
what the rules are for competitive bidding and to open up the Vendor List for competitive
bidding for items between $5,000.00 and $25,000.00. This resolution provides notice
pertaining to competitive bidding, dispensing with advertisement and sealed bidding
with respect to purchases and leases under $25,000.00, and notice of the Lewis County
Vendor List and Solicitation. RCW 39.04.190 sets the rules for exception to competitive
bidding for items and services under $25,000.00. The Lewis County Auditor’s Office is
required, at least twice annually, to advertise the rules in the County’s legal publication
and to open the Vendor List for Solicitation. Individuals seeking to be included on the
Vendor List need to make application to the Lewis County Auditor’s Office. This notice
complies with the semi-annual requirement.
No public comment.
Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Averill moved to approve Consent Agenda items two through nine.
Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Lorraine Elsea read the items into the
2. Resolution No. 12-215 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment.
Commissioner Averill stated this resolution approves 16 Special Purpose warrants for
the Vader Water System for $27,980.61 and 267 warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office
for $748,870.14, both totaling $776,850.75. It also approves 259 warrants for net
withdrawal on payroll totaling $233,144.00.
3. Resolution No. 12-216 Cancellation of Warrants.
Commissioner Averill stated this resolution approves the cancellation of three
warrants that were issued by the Lewis County Auditor’s Office which were lost or
destroyed for a total of $710.00 and authorizes reissuing one warrant for $350.00.
4. Resolution No. 12-217 Acceptance of a Washington State Patrol Statewide
Marijuana Eradication Program Agreement.
Gene Seiber, Chief Criminal Deputy from Lewis County Sheriff’s Office, gave a
briefing on this resolution. The Sheriff’s Office is requesting authority to sign the 2012
Washington State Patrol (WSP) Statewide Marijuana Eradication Program Agreement,
WSP Agreement No. C120818FED. Funds are made available each year from the
WSP for the purpose of locating and eradicating marijuana by the Sheriff’s Office
personnel. The Sheriff’s Office administers this program in accordance with WSP
policy. This year’s funding is $1,000.00.
5. Resolution No. 12-218 Approving an agreement with Catholic Community
Services of Western Washington in support of Senior Nutrition Meals
distribution in Lewis County.
Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated Resolution 12-218 approves an
agreement with Catholic Community Services of Western Washington (CCS) in support
of Senior Nutrition Meal Distribution in Lewis County. On January 1, 2010, Lewis
County entered into an agreement with CCS to take over the senior programs in Lewis
County. This included the transportation, senior nutrition, and the enrichment programs.
In February, 2012, CCS, in accordance with the current contract, served Lewis County
with notice that they were wanting to discontinue the enrichment portion of their contract
effective July 1, 2012. CCS did, however, want to keep the nutrition and senior
transportation programs. This created a dilemma for both Lewis County and CCS
regarding the distribution of the senior meals at the five senior centers in Lewis County.
Through a series of negotiations, Lewis County has entered into an agreement with
CCS for the next six months beginning July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 to
allow CCS use of Lewis County Senior Centers for distribution of the senior nutrition
meal program. In addition, the agreement also allows CCS to use the large walk-in
cooler and freezer that are located at the Twin Cities Senior Center. This agreement
has a one-year extension which safeguards against a break in the program for the
seniors. As part of this agreement, CCS will pay Lewis County $2,300.00 per month for
using the centers for the distribution of the program.
Michael Strozyk confirmed Commissioner Averill’s questioning about CCS’ use of
freezer space. Commissioner Averill clarified that the nutrition program has two
components: 1) the congregate part of the program, which is accomplished by CCS in
the senior centers of Lewis County, whereby the Twin Cities Senior Center gets five
meals per week and the other four centers get two meals per week in the nutrition
program; and 2) Meals on Wheels, which is a home delivery of meals to shut-ins who
are unable to travel to the senior centers. When there are meals served in the senior
centers that are not on the CCS nutrition schedule, they are part of the enrichment
Commissioner Grose commented that the seniors support the enrichment part of the
program partially on their own and that Lewis County has been supportive of the
enrichment program in the past. He clarified that this agreement with CCS goes
through the end of 2012 and that Lewis County is in negotiations with the Area Agency
on Aging (AAA) to determine whether or not Lewis County can come back into the
program or roll it over to CCS. He mentioned that Lewis County is unique in being one
of only two counties in the state that provide General Fund revenue for senior citizen
programs and that we are hoping to be able to be even more involved in and supportive
of senior programs in the future.
Michael Strozyk clarified that the CCS agreement does not involve the senior
transportation program or the Meals on Wheels program. These are separate contracts
between CCS and AAA.
6. Resolution No. 12-219 Re-appointing members to the Veterans’ Advisory
Commissioner Averill stated this resolution provides for the reappointment of Roland
Jones and Robert Terrell, both of Chehalis, to two year terms as regular members of the
Lewis County Veterans’ Advisory Board; and, the appointment of Harlan Thompson and
William Gannon, both of Centralia, to two year terms as alternate members, all four for
the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014. This also appoints Jim Roses, currently
an alternate member of the Board, to a regular member of the Board, filling the
remaining year of a term ending June 30, 2013. All of the appointees have expressed
an interest in serving on the board. The Veterans’ Advisory Board advises the Board of
County Commissioners on veteran affairs and develops policy for distribution of County
funds to assist indigent veterans.
7. Resolution No. 12-220 Approving revisions to the Planning Commission Rules
of Procedures and Bylaws.
Lynn Detrick, Senior Project Planner with Community Development, spoke about
the revision request from the Planning Commission to revise the meeting start time from
7:00 pm to 6:00 pm for the regularly-scheduled meetings held on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month. The Planning Commission discussed this change on January
24, 2012 and May 8, 2012 and has provided the change request herein. Staff concurs
with the Planning Commission’s proposal to change start time and, therefore,
recommends approval of the request.
Also desired is ability for the Planning Commission to be able to adjust the start time as
warranted. Procedures regarding a special meeting are still covered by the bylaws and
are handled separately. Bylaws of the Planning Commission have to be approved by
the County Commissioners.
8. Resolution No. 12-221 Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with
Teamsters 252 representing Lewis County Supervisors’ Group.
Archie Smith of Human Resources presented Resolution No. 12-221. This is a one-
year collective bargaining agreement running January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012.
There is no COLA for the year, step increases are included, and the employer
health/welfare contribution will change as of July 1, 2012 from $857.97 to a maximum of
$865.88. There is a boot allowance of $150.00 to be used at the Director’s discretion.
Commissioner Averill confirmed that the contract contains a payroll language change
and Archie agreed to clarify. Commissioner Schulte inquired about additional
contracts to be finished. Archie stated there are multiple outstanding contracts as 911
and Juvenile Detention voted down the offers made, so we are back to negotiations with
them; the Interest Arbitration Group has pending negotiations with the Corrections
Officers; meeting with the Operations Guild and Corrections Sergeants should occur
within a month or so; and we still have the unit clarification with the Corrections
9. Resolution No. 12-222 Transfer of accumulated annual and sick leave from
the Solid Waste Fund 401 to the Road Fund 117.
Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, spoke regarding this item. Loren Buckman, a
Solid Waste Tech II, has accepted the position of RMT II within the Road Maintenance
Division of Public Works.
When an employee transfers from one fund to another, such as Solid Waste to Roads,
the new fund must be paid by the original fund for leave accumulations. This includes all
annual leave, to a maximum of 240 hours, and half of sick leave, to a maximum of 360
hours (half of 720 booked hours). The employee still retains all hours booked to date of
transfer, including any current month’s earnings eligible when the transfer occurs after
the first of the month.
Loren Buckman has accumulated 39.1 hours of annual leave and 82.6 hours sick leave
(half of which is being requested to transfer). This is a request for his leave balances to
be transferred from Fund 401 to the Road Fund 117 for half the dollar value of his
accumulated sick leave and for the entire value of his annual leave.
Commissioner Averill commented about the procedure regarding an employee’s
transferring to another department, whereby we carry each activity on a separate
funding item; and, therefore, when an employee moves from one group to another, we
have to move the person’s accumulated leave or else it would be lost. Employees
receive only half accumulated sick leave when leaving a position, so same applies in
the circumstance of transferring as well.
Commissioner Grose called for the vote on the Consent Agenda.
Motion carried 3-0.
• Hearing: 3rd 2012 Budget Amendment Resolution No. 12-223
Chairman Grose announced the hearing and asked for a Staff Report.
Dawna Truman, Budget Director, spoke requesting approval of the third budget
amendment. Notice of hearing was published in the East County Journal on June 13
and June 20, 2012. The County has over 50 different funds and this amendment affects
15 of them. Total budget amendment for all funds was noticed at revenue increase of
$418,944.00 and expenditure increase of $1,704,785.00, which is a change in our fund
balance of $1,285,841.00. The change in fund balance uses previously received
revenue that is not legally appropriated in the original 2012 budget. Changes since the
noticed amount resulted in an increase in expenditures of $104,711.00 for the total
amendment. Of this change, $4,711.00 affected Current Expense, which is our main
operating fund for the County. All funds for the final amount are $415,994.00 in new
revenue, expenditures in the amount of $1,809,496.00 and a change in our fund
balances of $1,393,502.00. Included in these totals are changes in the operating fund
(or Current Expense fund). This amendment affects 7 of 30 departments in this fund.
The total amount of Current Expense appropriation is changed by new revenue of
$39,300.00, increase in expenditures of $382,401.00 and the change in the Current
Expense fund balance of $343,101.00.
Commissioner Averill commented on how budgets can be confusing, especially since
we have so many different accounts. In talking about our budget, the Current Expense
budget (often referred to as a ‘discretionary fund’) is the money collected through
property and sales taxes, grants, etc., which funds various departments of government,
i.e., the courts, the Sheriff’s Office, etc. All other funds are special funds, which include
the Road Fund and DSHS. Other funds are business-type funds, such as the Solid
Waste Fund, a.k.a. ‘enterprise funds.’ These are all separate funds, and amounts like
$1,393,502.00 are spread out across the 15 affected accounts. Of those accounts, the
Current Expense balance is only $343,101.00, which is primarily because of our picking
up the enrichment program at the senior centers. One of the things gotten from
enterprise funds and state and federal grants is a pre-paid status, which allows us to
hold funding in an account and spend as needed. This allows for large fund balances in
these accounts. On the other hand, other accounts are managed by spending and
being reimbursed. Our Budget Office is tasked with keeping track of both pre-paid and
post-paid accounts and ensuring we have enough in our fund balances to continue our
Chairman Grose asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He closed
the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the comment period.
Dawna Truman asked that her previous comments be incorporated into the record.
Chairman Grose asked if there were any other comments from either the Board or the
public. There were none. He closed the hearing and called for a motion.
Commissioner Schulte moved to approve Resolution No. 12-223. Commissioner
Averill seconded the motion. Lorraine Elsea read the item into the record.
Regarding the Lewis County 2012 Budget, Emergency and Supplemental
Appropriations to and Transfers within Current Expense and Various Funds.
Resolution 12-223.
Motion carried 3-0.
• Hearing: 1st 2012 Budget Amendment for the Vader Water System.
Resolution No. 12-224
Chairman Grose announced the hearing and asked for a Staff Report.
Dawna Truman spoke regarding this matter. Notice of this budget amendment was
published in the East County Journal on June 13 and June 20, 2012. This amendment
increases expenditures and the fund balance for the Drinking Water State Revolving
Fund Loan (which is $2,050.00, 25% of annual debt service payment). These funds are
to be paid into the new debt service Fund No. 211 and remain in reserve until such time
as the loan payment is made.
Commissioner Averill confirmed that this is the fund that was just established last
week and that this is our first payment into that newly-created fund. He also confirmed
these funds are coming out of the rate payers’ fees.
Chairman Grose asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He closed
the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the comment period.
Don Iddings of Vader thanked every county employee who went the extra mile for
Vader Water and thinks they did a great job. He really appreciates the newsletters
included in the bill. Commissioner Grose asked who sends newsletter with the bills.
Dawna Truman stated that Public Works includes the newsletter with the bills.
Commissioner Grose closed the hearing asked that his previous comments as well as
Dawna Truman’s be adopted into the record.
Commissioner Averill moved to approve Resolution No. 12-224. Commissioner
Schulte seconded the motion. Lorraine Elsea read the item into the record.
Regarding the Vader Water System 2012 Budget, Emergency and Supplemental
Appropriations. Resolution 12-224.
Motion carried 3-0.
There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:26
am on June 25, 2012. The next public meeting will be held Monday, July 2, 2012, at
10:00 a.m.
Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not
verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office.
ATTEST: F. Lee Grose, Chairman
Clerk of the Board P.W. Schulte, Commissioner
Lewis County Commissioners
Ron Averill, Commissioner