2012-10-29 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 29, 2012 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, October 29, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Bill Schulte, and Ron Averill were in attendance. Chairman Grose determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, October 22, 2012. Commissioner Averill seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 PUBLIC COMMENT Robert Johnson, Director of Community Development, took an opportunity to thank not only the BOCC, Directors, and Staff but also the people at home for the privilege to work for Lewis County. This community is a wonderful community and there are great people here. Thanks to everybody, it has been a great 14 years. PROCLAMATION Commissioner Averill moved to approve Proclamation Agenda item one. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Commissioner Averill read the Proclamation into the record. 1. Proclamation: Proclaiming the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Commissioner Averill stated the month of October is proclaimed as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” in Lewis County. Families are the foundation of a safe and healthy community and it is the goal of this community for our families to be safe. The problem of domestic violence is not confined to any group of people, but it crosses all economic, racial, gender, educational, religious and societal barriers, and is sustained by indifference. Domestic violence is an immense problem in Lewis County. In 2011 over 670 households received services from the Human Response Network’s Domestic Violence program. Victims and survivors of domestic violence need the support of their community to find the compassion, comfort and healing they need. Domestic violence abusers need to be punished to the full extent of the law. Lewis County residents are asked to join in remembering the victims of domestic violence, celebrating the survivors, and working together to end domestic violence in Lewis County. Heather Wilson, Human Response Network, stated on behalf of the Human Response Network we would like to thank each and every one of you for recognizing how important this is to our community and thank you for your cooperation and support. 2 Motion Carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Schulte moved to approve Consent Agenda items two through ten. Commissioner Averill seconded the motion. Candace Hallom, Administrative Assistant, read the items into the record. 2. Resolution No. 12-328 Approval of warrants for payment. Commissioner Averill stated this Resolution approves 246 warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office totaling $1,610,641.75. 3. Resolution No. 12-329 Cancellation of warrants. Commissioner Averill stated this Resolution approves the cancellation of two warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office for $420.00 that were lost or destroyed; and, two warrants for $780.00 that were issued in the wrong amount. Further approves the reissue of corrected warrants. 4. Resolution No. 12-330 Approving an inter-local agreement with the City of Centralia for computer and software maintenance services. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated this is a renewal of an inter- local agreement with the City of Centralia for Information Technology computer services and maintenance support. This is specific to the Spillman software that is owned and operated by the 911 Center. Spillman is the records management system for all ten law enforcement entities in Lewis County and most of the fire departments. It is the computer aided dispatch center where the officers have laptops in their patrol cars. We own the software and due to security reasons with the Washington State Patrol we do not allow access outside of our internal system to work on this system. This inter-local agreement is for two years and expires December 31, 2014. This agreement is for a fixed amount of $38,940.00 for 2013. That cost is based upon the amount of equipment they have. This amount will be reviewed towards the end of 2013 to see what 2014 will be. 5. Resolution No. 12-331 Approving a grant agreement with the Onalaska Alliance to accept funding under RCW 82.143.370, Distressed Counties Fund. Chairman Grose stated this Board has made it a point to try to help the smaller communities in any way that we can. The Distressed Counties fund has been used in different cases to improve the local communities within the County. The Onalaska Alliance has wanted to provide a paved parking lot at Carlisle Lake as an economic driver for the community. The .09 committee approved their application and this Resolution is a formalization of that funding agreement with the Onalaska Alliance. 3 6. Resolution No. 12-332 Authorizing legal defense and indemnity for Lewis County employees. Paulette Young, Risk and Safety Administrator, stated Lewis County Community Development Employee Alene Stewart and Human Resources Administrator Archie Smith have both been named in a legal action filed in Lewis County Superior Court. Alene and Archie have both requested defense and indemnification pursuant to Resolution 03-042 and 04-164. Under these resolutions Michael and Alexander PLLC will be requested to provide legal defense for both Ms. Stewart and Mr. Smith. Commissioner Averill stated that any employee of the county can be sued and those lawsuits can be very expensive. When done in the course of their duties the County has the right and obligation to assist the employee. 7. Resolution No. 12-333 Approving a personal service agreement with Robert Weidner. Rod Lakey, Acting Public Works Director, stated Public Works is requesting the BOCC to authorize a renewal agreement with Robert K. Weidner to act on behalf of Lewis County in Washington D.C. for Public Land, Environment & Natural Resources in conjunction with Secure Rural Schools funding. The annual dues are $7,500.00. These dues will allow Weidner to monitor and provide information on matters affecting public lands within member counties. Commissioner Averill stated Mr. Weidner is a lobbyist in Washington DC. He has provided services to the Timber Counties in Washington and Oregon. The spotted owl has caused the Forest Service to close down virtually all of their harvesting of timber. This impacted the proceeds that used to come to the Counties to help defray part of the cost of servicing forest areas. W e went back and asked for some relief and it is through the timber counties and use of Mr. Weidner that we got that relief in the Secure Rural Schools program. Chairman Grose stated this funding comes from Public Works due to the funding they receive from the program. Next year we will receive about $1.2 million from the Secure Rural Schools funding. 8. Resolution No. 12-334 Request for an engineer’s report for the proposed vacation of Johnson Creek Road East. Larry Unzelman, Real Estate Services Manager, stated Johnson Creek Road East lies east of Johnson Creek Road and west of U.S. Highway 12 near Packwood. One property owner owns on both sides of the road for its entire length. The property owner has requested that the County vacate all of Johnson Creek Road East. Any and all interests other than the requesting parties will be evaluated as part of the Engineer’s Report. Passing this resolution would instruct the Engineer to examine the road, 4 evaluate the request, and file an Engineer’s Report, as required by RCW 36.87.010 and LCC 12.15. 9. Resolution No. 12-335 Ratifying a contract change order for the Newaukum Bridge Replacement Project. Rod Lakey, Acting Public Works Director, stated pursuant to Resolution 11-437 requirements, Directors of each of the County departments, under authority of the Board of County Commissioners, possess authority to execute and bind Lewis County to consulting services contracts, projects, agreements, grant applications, contract amendments, and change orders involving the actual expenditure or receipt of less than $150,000.00 per year funded with Federal or State monies provided that, by resolution, acceptance of such funding has been authorized and approved by the Board. Further, the Board will ratify by resolution, after-the-fact, such contracts, projects, agreements, grant applications, contract amendments, and change orders in excess of $40,000 but less than $150,000.00. During 2012, Public Works executed an individual contract change order in excess of $40,000.00 for the Newaukum Bridge Replacement Project with WSDOT Local Programs review and approval. Therefore, post contract ratification is requested for the following individual expenditures for the following federally funded project: Newaukum Bridge Replacement Project – CRP 2072 Contractor: Rognlins Incorporated Original Contract Awarded 3/1/10: $2,153,027.65 321 W State, Aberdeen, WA 98520 Change Order #’s 1-9 & Minor Changes #1 & 2 previously ratified $262,428.35 (per Resolution 11-436) Change Order #10 (Executed 10/2/2012) $ 91,168.00 Post Memorandum of Agreement with DAHP – The Contractor shall re-mobilize and complete all guardrail landings, driveway approaches and other work per the 2010 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction and special provisions contained within this change order. All items shall be considered new due to the re-mobilization and construction following a 30- month work suspension caused by an archeological impact determination. 10. Resolution No. 12-336 Approving the fifth supplemental agreement with WEST Consultants. Robert Johnson, Director of Community Development, stated this is an approval of the fifth supplemental agreement between WEST Consultants and Lewis County who acts as the Fiscal Agent for the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority. This is to develop and implement a Flood Hazard Early Flood Warning System. This is to provide for the maintenance and operations of the gauges put in as well as the subscription fees including $1500.00 to make it accessible without using a password or login. This contract is for $30,198.00 and will end December 31, 2012. Due to issues and concerns regard the funding the Flood Authority authorized a contract with WEST through the end of this year so they could get started on the maintenance and operations at a minimal level and get the subscription services paid. This contract is paid for from funds from the individual Flood Authority members and cannot be funded from the Capital Budget. 5 Commissioner Averill stated this is important for us to get done at this time since we have already started in the rainy season. As the land becomes saturated and the river starts to rise it is essential that we have these gauges maintained. Motion Carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:38 am on October 29, 2012. The next public meeting will be held Monday, November 5, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: F. Lee Grose, Chairman Clerk of the Board P.W. Schulte, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners Ron Averill, Commissioner